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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Replies posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. I knew Ken Morioka wouldn't disapoint me, Danse Macabre on Kaya's GOTHIC is simply amazing!

  2. Zess beat up my untrained fossil pokemon :(

  3. Zess beat up my untrained fossil pokemon :(


  5. What has happened in my last.fm ;_______; It's showing that I have only listened 1903 songs, while in reality I have listened over 100,000 songs. MY LIFE IS NOW RUINED

  6. I just won 10€ in the lottery. I haver never played the lottery before and only played this time because I got a free game. So that's 10€ for nothing, I guess? Now, what am I going to do with that immense amount of extra money...?

  7. Ahahaha Juri's solo project. Oh god this is bad. Like really really bad.


  9. Secretly listening to that 2ne1 song the gazette covered all day because of Cat

  10. Trying my best to update most VK bands information on last.fm .

  11. Trying my best to update most VK bands information on last.fm .

  12. The bickering and drama in the Facebook thread over the band's rescheduling of the Seattle show is priceless. I think this is my favourite part about the whole Dir en grey tour so far.

  13. Trying my best to update most VK bands information on last.fm .

  14. tagging classical music is the worst nightmare ever =.=

  15. Happy Birthday, Champ ;)

  16. Attention arrogant, entitled, hoarding doujin fucktards: I'd like to see some of the material released in C84 before C85. Be more like Akc-Hrm and Deith. Stop killing the sharing scene with your publicly available, 64 character passworded files and dickwaving YouTube uploads you fucking 'tards. You just make me angry. Signed, every other doujin fan that waited four months to get new VDAS.

  17. me: 'wow i love coldplay!!' girl: 'the band?! wow me too we have so much in common!' me: 'no the song by SADIE who you probably havent heard of because they are VISUAL KEI FROM JAPAN. 98% OF KIDS nowadays listen to Justin Bahber, Little Wayne and Jones Brothers!!! REBLOG if youre 1 of the 2% that listens to REAL music!!!'

  18. OH BOY GUYS! I got a new laptop so now I can be a fulltime jerk on MH again!! :)

  19. OH BOY GUYS! I got a new laptop so now I can be a fulltime jerk on MH again!! :)

  20. OH BOY GUYS! I got a new laptop so now I can be a fulltime jerk on MH again!! :)

  21. OH BOY GUYS! I got a new laptop so now I can be a fulltime jerk on MH again!! :)

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