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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Replies posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. pokebank...finally...

  2. I'm starting to like Sui's vocals, what the fuck is worng with me? I'm ashamed of myself again.

  3. dont let anyone fool you, doing porn does not pay well.

  4. I generally don't care for celebs, but I think this is a pretty great photo: https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t31/1618370_583661588382412_1775066888_o.jpg

  5. I can't believe Tonberry Torrent's site is stil running. It's been so dead for years already.

  6. Is Moran good?

  7. Is Moran good?

  8. Native Devil yesterday was pretty interesting. Even more so since we were like 10 ppl in the audience... :v

  9. Today I discover Skindred, a fucking awesome Raggae/Metal band ^^!

  10. I passed the terrible Japanese oral exam. Now I can get hyped for tomorrow's TURISAS gig~

  11. artema came just in time, was about to update my ipod. on a side note i sense a poser.

  12. Kiyoharu's bleating was a a turnning point on music history. Hell he's on my son's textbooks even.

  13. Someone needs to compile all of the jazzy/jazz-inspired VK songs they can find. That would be funny/interesting/cool/and many other adjectives. In fact, someone needs to do that now.

  14. I keep forgetting who fitear1590 because he's not a picture of a dog anymore.

  15. just bought moran's latest signles so look forward to a decent rip of those i guess??? okay bye

  16. got Pokemon Y yesterday

  17. I'm so proud for Wicked Teletubby interviewing Toshiya in Japan https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BewUY_cCAAAVboF.jpg:large

  18. Ice Nine Kills's new album is awesome! have hope to be my top 10 of 2014 lol

  19. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Sure did *Lelouch-sama laugh*

  20. the new mountain dew kickstarts are not to good the lime ade one is the better of the 2 i still prefer the originals

  21. Jin (ex.Nega) is back, revival time started!

  22. was just listening to Lycaon and realized, no other band will ever come close to their greatness, Yuuki-sama has a barrier around the throne room. I'm so glad i am able to truly hear them.

  23. Why am I playing Tomb Raider II instead of revising Japanese vocab

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