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Peace Heavy mk II

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Status Replies posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Can not believe how these haters keep talking about グリーヴァ copying Diru over and over , again and again , it is just insane :-/

  2. Can not believe how these haters keep talking about グリーヴァ copying Diru over and over , again and again , it is just insane :-/

  3. Can not believe how these haters keep talking about グリーヴァ copying Diru over and over , again and again , it is just insane :-/

  4. Can not believe how these haters keep talking about グリーヴァ copying Diru over and over , again and again , it is just insane :-/

  5. So if I understand correctly, Golden Bomber are like stupid popular in Japan?

  6. That moment when you have zipped music with the title RCSP-42 and you have no idea who the artist is anymore.

  7. I'm watching an anime where the OP is by Duran Duran. What did I sign myself up for?

  8. got $100 for Christmas gonna blow it on on amazon

  9. And by the way, your poetry sucks.

  10. Apparently there's a dating site for people who feel they're below average looking. http://us.theuglybugball.com/help/about.cfm

  11. メリークリスマス??ん????

  12. nekkichi's solo debut

    so proud of my gal x
  13. This seriously sounds like it could have come from a defunct 90s VK band. It just needs a catchy wailing chorus and maybe some aborted ghost baby laughter. http://youtu.be/DJvTodICIVU

  14. This seriously sounds like it could have come from a defunct 90s VK band. It just needs a catchy wailing chorus and maybe some aborted ghost baby laughter. http://youtu.be/DJvTodICIVU

  15. I woke ahp rike dis *manic twitching and face touching glamour shots* frawress

  16. Going to see Grieva for free on saturday \o/

  17. Jake (ex-Guniw Tools) reblogs doge gifs on his tumblr........

  18. My friend legitimately thought Mana invented the words / concept behind 'Dies Irae' and 'Angus Die.' um?????

  19. Macklemore / 2 = Mackleless???

  20. Was at my first vk live yesterday... It was interesting, was me and my friend was the only gaijins among 100 japanese girls (and 2 guys) at the age of 15-19. lol

  21. R-shitei's Mamo is saying he will take me to a whorehouse when i go to Japan........LOL......Well....

  22. yo augie challenge me whenever!

  23. yo augie challenge me whenever!

  24. yo augie challenge me whenever!

  25. yo augie challenge me whenever!

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