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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Lovely~

    I'm not a fair-weather fan like a lot of the kote-kei cult was when they first started (although I guess that mentality wouldn't be fair-weather because the more people ignore them the better they are, I guess that's a turbulent-weather fan). Love their Apocalypse single the most, but I can listen to all of their songs with no problem. I'm like miss trve here ^ and don't really like their ballads, so "Transparent Shine," the whole Holy Single, "美醜の果実," and a lot of their first mini-album don't really do it for me.

  2. Adding to my list:

    -Kind of staticy guitars, like the Piass, WERKMARE or DEViL KiTTY

    -Audible bass that's more than just an 8th note pulse of the same not or doubling the rhythm guitar part in a lower register

    -Frilly kote-kei guitar work : you know, the kind that's kind of fluffy sounding and just plays arpeggios without any real purpose because their second guitarist needs to do something on stage

    -Several time changes in one song that doesn't hinder it's quality.Examples: Versailles' "God Palace," Volbeat's "Evelyn," Dream Theater's "Panic Attack," August Burns Red's "Truth of a Liar," etc

    -Lately I've been liking frantic songs, although that's been pertaining to Rentrer en Soi. For example, "Fuyuu tsu...something," "Fallen," and "I hate myself and want to..." are good examples that range from calm to absolutely crazy while still being artistic.

  3. I have a fetish for carnival inserts :oops: . It doesn't have to samples of fair rides or anything, but sections that go into 6/8 time and have a bass snare snare bass snare snare drum pattern...hnnggggg








    vellaDonna: Untruth

    If I didn't think Tim Burton was gross then I'd probably fap to the Candy Spooky Theater too.

    And 2939529590250929529540969200932394267240952 other kote-kei songs. That's probably why I like them so much.

    Is there a certain aspect to songs that cause you to like them instantaneously?

  4. I think they are xD; . I'm pretty sure that building is still around because VK bands need somewhere to make music videos.

    I'm glad they're using their money to run two costume sets : > . I've been waiting for them to do something like that for calenders or posters or something, like Malice Mizer did.

  5. yeah i saw a couple 2 years ago in brussels at the anime con there with Pure Q&A

    Sai, Guren and i more sort of moran dj, really akward

    and you got that Cinema Bizarre who think they created european visual kei or something, really bunch of morans

    oh and then there's Tokio Hotel.....wich suck the biggest of all


  6. With energies? Yes. However, most of my friends at the time played without them since it was easier :P After learning to play for real, using energies has a much greater advantage to it than not.

  7. It's much more involved than a lot of people would assume it is. Thankfully the new set that comes out in April will be less expensive to buy, so that's good news if you're looking to start up again :hyper:

    @ D.L.S. : I played that game at my cousin's house. It was entertaining, but I didn't like it since it made me use energies (I was also 9 at the time).

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