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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. ...for free, but you can only use this chance on one website, one time only. Oh, and you only have 7 minutes to pick everything you want out. Since this is a Japanese music forum, post what site, what cd's / merchandise, and the total price of everything you'd "buy" within that time frame if this were real. Neglect shipping cost since it'd be impossible, or more impossible than I feel like finding out myself, to keep track of weight of (supposedly) dozens of items and factor that into the cost by yourself.


    -you're only allowed to use one tab / browser window.

    -Only one website, and going through a shopping service doesn't count. Ex: CDJapan, MBook, Amazon.jp, and HearJapan are all examples that count as one site, but Celga, Noppin, Muku, etc, do not.

    -The easiest way to make this realistic to actually add stuff to your cart to see how much stuff you can cram in in 7 minutes and just delete your order once you're finished. I'm not responsible for any accidental purchase though :ninja: . Yeah, slower internet = less stuff, but that's life. Hopefully you don't chose to play on a day that CDJapan's servers crap out.

  2. I'm not sure why they transitioned his name from Yuu --> Jasmine Yuu --> Jasmine You . "Yuu" is pronounced how it looks in Japanese, but "You" is pronounced "Yo" with an extended "o" sound.

  3. Honestly, not my favorite single by them. I was expecting Ascendead Master 2.0 but it wasn't really like that. Some of the points in the chorus were more yelped than sang which didn't really sit well with me. I love the melody of "Judicial Noir,"though, but the singing isn't as clean as it has been in the past. "Desert Apple" is a nice change of pace for them though: I liked how it was an instrumental that wasn't trying to emulate Hizaki Grace Project (not to say that the other ones are) and was something completely un-Versailles.

    Versailles has an interesting fan base. They're at the point in which they're going to get shit about absolutely anything they do: if a release sounds too close to another song they'll get people bitching about how everything is interchangeable. If they try something new, people jump-ship, burn their old cds, "It's because dey major!!!" "If only Jasmine were here to save us" for forever after.

    "Not the best of Bearsighs, but I'm not going to kill myself over it. "

  4. lol, this actually makes you look more like a troll

    what??? are you kidding me so how do not look like a troll :(

    1a. Noun

    One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument.

    1b. Noun

    A person who, on a message forum of some type, attacks and flames other members of the forum for any of a number of reasons such as rank, previous disagreements, sex, status, ect.

    A troll usually flames threads without staying on topic, unlike a "Flamer" who flames a thread because he/she disagrees with the content of the thread.

    1c. Noun

    A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well as thinks every member of the forum is talking about them and only them. Trolls often go by multiple names to circumvent getting banned.

  5. Since I'm chicken shit and easily scarred / scared, I read the story-line on wikipedia. It didn't really sound that scary. Watching the previews there weren't scary either aside from the loud noises from cutting between scenes. I dunno, I thought the story of the first one was a classic example of people being dumb.

    "We have a demon in our house! Let's get an exorcist..."

    "NAH, I got dis! *puts talcum powder on the floor and pisses it off with a Ouija board*"

    "It's been stalking me for years thou-..."

    "Honey. I know what I'm doing. :roll: *puts cameras everywhere and gets popcorn*"

    "*Murders husband and then sits in kitchen till the police come*"

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