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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. I love animals, but not enough to be a vegetarian. I get along well with most cats and dogs and I've been told it's rare for either animal to dislike me. We're not allowed to have a dog at my house because my mom's dog ran away (twice) when she was little and she doesn't want a repeat of that. Our cat gets out often enough as it is >__

    We currently have a tuxedo cat and a bunch of fish that have lasted for longer than 5 years.

    Other pets were:

    -Agustus the Hampster (died of a cold :( )

    -439954962962 other fish (were either eaten by the Angel fish, didn't like that the tank was filled with algae, or were picked out by the cat)

    -Jeffory the cat (my mom let him out and he drank anti-freeze and died of kidney failure. Secretly, I still haven't forgiven her >__> )

    -Tarpatch the cat (died of diabetus :( )

    -A frog from my aunt's 3rd grade class. I left him in the a sunny spot while on vacation ^^; . Oops...

    -My buttefly in the 3rd grade that was a science experiment. The first caterpillar died because of food poisoning, the second we let free :D

    -My sister's old hermit crab. I think it died...not really sure since it wasn't mine to take care of.

    I'm afraid of animals with more than 4 legs. Squid, octopi, crabs, bugs, spiders..... :shock: ... T_T

  2. Most of these deal with people, rather than bands, but they're pet peeves no less:

    -When bands are ultra popular but only have a few songs I like to listen to (and only sometimes at that) like, but people still act like they're better than me for listening to them, Coheed and Cambria. I only like maybe 4 of their songs, but they still have legions of fans in the US. Ironically most of them only like the same 4 songs I like but I don't even consider myself to be a fan :lol:

    -When people are "fans" of a band but never buy their music, never actively follow them, and actually only listen to one song of theirs and are insulted when you show them their current music.

    -How there is usually a gap in visual-kei for bands that release like 6 songs and break up, and then bands that release six singles and mini-albums a year. Why is there no happy medium? :emo:

    -When people misuse the word generic in place of "I didn't care for this song / single," because that's everyone's default for not liking something. See also: Versailles' shoutbox, 02/15/2011 ~ 02/20/2011 among 29395252432 other examples here.

    -When I think bands are strong musically until their vocalist opens their mouth, like Synside and Cu[be] (although I'm still giving the later a chance).

    -Melancholy-nagoya stuff (I don't even know what to call it) music. Sorry, but 9Goats, Fatima, Moran and Emmuree really aren't for me : /

    -Uncalled for falsettos. See also: How Juka ruined his career.

    -When people all-of-a-sudden stop being a fan and act like they don't know anything about whatever they disowned. I mean seriously, 6 months ago you wrote about how this band changed your life and now you "can't even remember" the vocalists name? :| Please.

    -Katy Perry when she isn't singing about lesbians.

    -Annoyingly monotone voices that try to cover up their boringness by making their music eccentric. System of a Down and Mindless Self Indulgence (which is pretty much the same thing as SoaD but with synth parts and vaginas).

    -When bands have one song that's $TIWNGWI$WN FAAWESOME and then the rest of their songs aren't D:

    -Trance-core. I don't know why so many not-visual-indie bands are doing this, but they're not really doing it well. I like metal-core and I like trance, but, for some reason, when they put it together it just doesn't sound...good.

    -VK bands with proper English. Why would you do that? You're supposed to have Engrish and Japench in your songs: I live for that shit man :(

    -Songs about eating glitter and fucking strangers

    -When people complain about metal bands stealing from other bands but RnB on the radio more-or-less sounds exactly the same but no one cares.

    -When people hate on things for being popular without even really knowing anything they're hating on. My roommate doesn't like Gackt and I'm pretty sure he's only listened to him like once. His friend asked him if Gackt was any good because he's really into Gundam (as are both him and my roommate). My roommate said "Not really," and no everytime they see a picture of "Gackt Gundam" his friend talks about how much Gackt sucks. I'm not a huge fan of him myself, but I try to at least know what the fuck I'm talking about before I complain about something :

    -When vocalists make solo careers. By solo careers I mean a solo album that's pretty much the same, sappy, ballad-infested "solo" album that fits into the same genre as their previous band (just at "-light" to the end of the genre) and which they probably didn't even write. Jui (although his album hasn't come out yet. Basing this on his first pv), Satsuki, Tarjaa, Juka, etc.

    It might be because I'm only running on 5 hours a sleep, but I stared at Subliminal's signature for at least 5 minutes while writing this.

    Also, apparently I have a lot of pet-peeves.

  3. Seems like he's continuing that theme in this project, based on the title of the single. I always thought it was strange how GPK's first theme was "eternal love" and then all of a sudden they said "Ummm...side story arc guys! We're talking about some random queen 8D *dances around in the middle of some coffee shop for their first and only pv*"


    Better? :3

  5. But you saw them before right? I read the story about the girl in front of you being drunk before the show even started.

    Yes, I did see them on *looks up the date for Columbus day since that holiday means nothing to you since you're from the Netherlands* October 12th 13th, 2008 (wait, I never realized the date changes every year D:) . The fact that it was a national holiday was the only reason I could go since I didn't have school.

  6. Yeah, I wanted to buy it at the concert but after buying a t-shirt, poster and JUBILEE album I was kinda out of money XD

    They skipped the U.S. last year, so I didn't get to see them. I wasn't going to hop the border to see them in Mexico like some people.

    You mean Jonjon, right? :lol: I wish they came to the US as well...it would have been in June when I was home from school and could have easily gone to NYC to see them : / . You can say "OH BUT THEY WENT THERE TWICE BOOO" ....but the first time they went here they only played in California, the second time they only played in like 3 spots.

  7. ^It is. I usually watch it when I want to feel better about myself. That probably makes me a terrible person ='/

    If my mom watches "Girls Next Door" to make herself feel smarter, I think you're perfectly allowed to do the same but for an ego boost. I do the same thing with "Hoarders" and "Engaged and Underaged."

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