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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. What does "withdrawing GPKISM" mean anyway? Didn't the project already exist before Kiwamu even joined? Is he just leaving the project or is he terminating it alltogether?

    I believe Ken was doing stuff on his own until Kiwamu contacted him through MySpace. Essentially all Kiwamu provided was a label, easy access to live houses, compositions every so often, and free graphic design (I'm assuming it's free so long as Ken does it the way Kiwamu wants it). Since Kiwi quit, I'm pretty sure that means Ken's going to have leave the label.

    It'd also be pretty cool if he teamed up with Noir Du'Soleil. They could have an Australian not-so-visual-kei visual dark-wave band.

  2. 167525_168330126547312_100001109773009_349294_4133592_n.jpg

    It's a mini-album that's meant to feature "Witch on Flames," which was released when the revived almost a year ago. So far all the information I have is that it's 4 songs long and comes with a DVD. It drops on March 26th.

    Information from: My bff Madame Tarantula's facebook.

    Ps: I love the album art.

  3. Well he's banned now, but "Dir an Grey" was on Rein de Fleur II, a demo-tape with the same title, and it was also on the UNDER CODE sponsored Lareine cover album.

  4. Meh, I can complain about that mind-set all I want but it's not going to change anything. They'd stop doing it to me only for flipping out, but they'd just continue on to the next person. Besides, losing my cool at people isn't really my style even if it seems like it over the internet. Most of it was done teasingly anyway since she's a big gay rights advocate, but it seems like the group of friends my roommate is a part of (the same his girlfriend is from) is pretty big on conforming to stereo types and complaining about anything and everything. That's pretty much how everyone I've ever met treats me too, so I've been conditioned to just deal with it and move on. I vent through positive outlets though, so there's no need to get upset :P .

    Also, mostly girls tend to bring up stuff like this more than guys. It might be because even if guys are okay with it, they kind of assume that it might be slightly awkward or uncomfortable to other males so they aren't inclined to ask awkward questions in public or introduce me as "their gay friend." Maybe as a counter-cultural revolution I'll start introducing people as "my Jewish friend," "my black friend," "my fat friend," "my skinny friend," "my atheist friend," "my right handed friend," etc.

  5. I agree with inartistic with the gay baggage (please tell me that I'm not the only one who thought "tea-bagging") in American society, at least from a between friends standpoint for me. I live a relatively accepting area at home and my school is very gay friendly. However, my roommate, and more specifically his girlfriend, like to give me labels all the time.

    "Niiiiick, do you like show tunes?"

    "No, I hate plays and thespians."

    "Niiiiiick, are you the man of your relationship?"

    "We both have penises."

    "Niiiiick, how fabulous are you?"

    "I shit glitter."

    "Niiiiick, are you or is [boyfriend's name here] the sassy one?"

    "Bitch I'll cut you."

    "Niiiiick, do you want to have girl talk?"


    Jesus Fucking Christ.

  6. Playing through Epic Micky and Kirby's Epic Yarn on the Wii. Both seem to be lacking in the "Epic," but whatever, they were gifts. I just got a PS3 as well, so I need to get a copy of FFXIII and Gran Turismo 5 someday when I can afford that.

    Finished Kirby a week ago, thought it was adorable and well thought out, but not epic. Just started playing Epic Mickey a couple of days ago, I really wanted to like it, but it isn't that good so far, does it get any better or am I wasting my time?

    I haven't played for a few weeks since I've been away from home for about a month now (and I didn't bring my wii with me), so I couldn't tell you. It pretty much plays like Okami meets Banjo Kazooie (except the only Okami factors are the fact that you use paint and the landscapes are ViViD. Okami makes the painting 20495252x more interesting since you actually have to draw with that one instead of just spraying paint on shit and hope you picked the right one), but you can't help but feel like Riku should pop up somewhere and try to seduce you. : /

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