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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. I figured asking on a music forum would be a good idea (although I know there's also a lingering fear since these always turn into touchy debates, just like if I were to make this a facebook status since I go to an IT school). Here's my personal requirements:

    -80+ gigs plus of storage

    -not touch screen

    -idgaf if it can use the internet, take videos, make pizza, and give me a stranger, I'm only using this to listen to music

    -I don't really have a company loyalty complex, although I have been using iPods for years mostly because that's just what I'm used to using.


    The right channel of my 120 gig iPod's audio jack broke :[ . It can still play music, just in one ear and only at 50% efficiency at that. Since I didn't pay for the $75 warranty, I had to get a "fixed" one for $150 or so, or buy a new one for $275. Me @ Steve Jobs: :lol: Now I've been stuck using my 8gig one and changing what's on it every few days. I still use my big one, but more as an external hard drive for music than anything else...not like it can do much else other than be a light-up paper weight.

    I was considering getting a refurbished one, but I figured I should shop around a bit and get opinions on other brands. I'm keeping a used piece of hardware as an option, but I'm afraid of that breaking as well : / .

    Your thoughts, MH?

  2. the only long lasting song that does not sound like a collage of many unfinished songs pasted into one (refering to god palace and history of the other side)

    You have to be kidding me.

  3. Call me immature but I'm playing Pokémon Platinum. : D And training my invincible army of Eevee evolutions.

    There's nothing immature. Most of the people who play that are 18+ anyway. I've been training an army of Linoone's who know pick-up to around level 81 to ship over to Black and White once I get the money for it. That way I can get rare items fo free bwahahahhahahha

    If only they didn't "fix" the way pick up works in 4th gen :(

  4. Don't really think this was her best single or video, but it was interesting. My favorite part was the vagina constellation towards the beginning. What's with the crying and sparkling unicorn at the end of the video?

    I hope the German song gets a video too, especially since they used the Candy Spooky Theater costumes in this video.

  5. I like Philia :D It's what I want from Versailles since I consider ASCENDEAD Master to be the "perfect" style for them. A lot of people felt that PRINCE/ PRINCESS was ideal, but is what really did it for me. Sure it's not their most exciting, daring, or heavy song, but it's more of what I like so I'm not complaining at all.

  6. Making this up as a go along, so bare with me. I've mix a few ideas together from several facebook memes. I figured this would go better in the GD than the game forum since it sticks specifically to Jrock.

    1.) Pick a label name.

    This can be anything you want so long as the last word is from the following list: label, production, enterprise, records.

    If you're uncreative, you can "go to quotationspage.com and hit random. The last [two] or [three] words of the [4th] quote of the page is the..." name of your company, but you have to tack on one of the four choices from above.

    2.) Your flag-ship band.

    A.) Members

    Go to the Visual-kei wiki and hit random until you get a band or individual artist who meets that requirement, like if you're looking for a guitarist and you get Mana's page. The first band you get's vocalist is your band's vocalist. Hit random again and the next band you get's first guitarist listed is your lead guitarist. Do this a 3rd time except chose the next band's 2nd guitarist listed (or only guitarist if there's only one). Do the same for drummer and bassist.

    If the band you get randomly doesn't have a certain position, your band doesn't have a member who does that. Instead, once you finish vo -> gu -> gu-> ba -> dr, keep hitting random till you get a band that has the part you're missing. This person will be a support member (JUST LIKE REAL VK YAAY). If you don't really want 2 guitars then I guess you can just skip the 2nd guitar step(s) if you so chose.

    **When picking members you can only use the last line-up available. For example, if you get Syndrome randomly, you're stuck with Asagi instead of Tatsuya, or if you get Lolita23Q you have to use what'shisface instead of what'sHisOtherFaceTheyHadFirst. **

    *It doesn't matter if they're dead either. The magic of coca-cola will bring them back for you :staru:

    B.) Band Name

    Go to quotationspage.com and hit random again. This time, use only the last quote on the page. From this quote, pick the first and last word of the sentence. This is your flagship band's name. Add in as many special characters and grammar mishaps as you want.

    3.) Debut Album.

    A.) Name:

    Hit new random quotes at the bottom of the random quotes page. Pick the second quote listed and chose the first two and last two words of that sentence. In the order that they appear, that's your album name (it doesn't matter if they make since. The less sense, the better).

    B.) Album Art:

    Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days." 5th picture no matter what it is, will be your album cover. Use picnik.com (or real Photoshop) to put it all together.

    C.) The PV:

    Pick a last random quote page. The last word of the first quote and the last word of the last quote is the name of the song you're going to be having a PV for.

    If there's anything you feel should be added to make this more interesting, be sure to share your ideas :D Also, if you know a site better than the visual-kei wikia, please share. They only have like 500 articles and most of them aren't bands.


    Record name: THE[Records]ASS (pronounced "In The Ass Records")

    Band: Preach~Silen†~

    Vocals- Z / Seth (Ex. Art Cube, Ex. Mois Dix Mois, Ex. Amadeus, Ex. Hizaki (Support), Ex. After Image, Ex. Brain Hacker)

    Guitar: 和也 (Ex. Frantic◇CRISIS, Ex. Bounty)

    Bass: Run (Ex. Lareine, Ex. Anubis, Ex. Ribbon)

    Drums: Matoi (Ex. Phantasmagoria, Ex. Jill Christ)

    Support Guitar: Kozi (Ex. Malice Mizer, Ex. Eve of Destiny, Currently in XA-VAT)

    First Album: Cats are Through Snow


    PV Song: St☆rs Drink

    Chances of success? : Mmm...I can see a decent portion of visual-kei fans digging this.

    Post your results and then share your chances of making money =^_______^=

  7. Jonjon also spoke to them in Japanese ^_____^ They were so moved by it that they wrote what he said to them as lyrics for Judicial Noir =^_____________________________________________________^=








    At first I thought it was Yayoi, like Lazy Dazy / Vice Risk / La'Miss Furry etc, but this is just as good :D . Now if only they'd release stuff that wasn't live distributed.

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