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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Pearl Harbor was practically 80% our fault anyway. I wish people paid attention in history class before opening their mouth.

    Say what? US stopped trading with Japan due to their expansion to European colonies like French Indochina, and seriously threatening Australia, Alaska and the Philippines. After US stopped selling them oil, they decided to take the oil-rich areas of the pacific and attacked Pearl Harbor to protect their invasions of US interference. So in fact, it can be considered that 100% of the fault goes to US since they did not care to fund the Japanese conquest of Asia. That would have been practically the same, that nobody would have cared if Nazi Germany conquered all of eastern Europe. Christ.

    I'm referring to the damage. Putting planes too close together, ships all in the same place, etc. I was forced to watch "Tora Tora Tora." : /

  2. Unrelated rant:

    It's funny because most of the people posting are 15~40 and have no direct relation to the event at all since they wouldn't have even been conceived for at least another 20 years.

    Now if only they'd take into consideration all of the less-than-stellar stuff the US did in WWII, Vietnam, Korea, and the Gulf Wars~ . How come "god never punishes" us for that? Because we're America?

    OH that's right. Hurricane Katrina was god's way of punishing the gays because they were having a pride parade ^__________^ . Srry i4got

    I really hope things get better.


    That's America for you. Not all Americans ofcourse, I don't try to be narrow-minded here, but it indeed looks like they are not taking it seriously at all. They should be happy their houses and family members are all safe and sound.

    You'll have to forgive our stupidity. Let's just say the people getting swept away because they're tanning or taking pictures is a process of "natural selection." Literally ^^ .

  4. When you get to college people pretty much stop giving a fuck about what you're like because they learn that there's always someone else whose weirder than you. It won't happen right away, but you'll find people are just generally nicer and less clique-y (with exceptions of course). You won't get bullied at college unless you're just a douche and deserve it.

  5. When it comes to friends I don't really think there is a difference. I find that being semi-anonymous helps people be most be honest than if they were in person, so you're able to get to know someone much faster and know things about them that most people in person wouldn't know or care to know more about. For example, using here as a reference, everyone likes Jrock of some sort. Whenever I say that in person, people are usually like "Y U CNT EVEN SPEK ANIME??" and the conversation is dropped with me looking like a complete weaboo fggt; but here, I'm more likely to get the reaction of "Oh, what kind? Have you tried ____?" and a plethora of conversations can happen from there.

    I've also made a lot of internet friends who I feel I really connect with. Even though I've never met them, I still look forward to talking to them, miss them, and enjoy their "company."

    I feel differently about internet dating, however: mostly because it messed up my life for a good 7~8 months, almost caused depression, and destroyed what little confidence I had in myself causing me to grow used to only being spoken to when needed and treated like an internet ronery pillow for more than one person :wub:

    Sorry if this is incoherent. I've spent the last day puking my brains out and haven't had anything with nutritional value in me for almost 24 hours 8D

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