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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Which one? I'd rather make modern art out of them or something.

    The Him one, unless it's the Dark Light since I already have it :

    No, it's Razorblade Romance I think. It has the most pathetic emo lyrics I've ever read. Why do you want to listen to terrible music? I won't enable your bad habit.

    Besides it's back home far from here, so I couldn't give it to you anyway.

    I actually have a few tracks off of that album and I didn't like any of them either :lol: Ah well.

    I think if I can un-ironcially stomach Maria Cross, then HIM shouldn't be your biggest concern. Sappy and over-produced, yes, but I don't take their lyrical content seriously enough for it to bother me. "Good" and "bad" are something people will never agree on *pulls the wings off of a butterfly by his lonesome*

  2. Believe it or not AFI use to actually make good music when they where on Nitro records.

    Rude. Their last album has great songs on it as well. Although, everything after Sing the Sorrow has been a "love three songs, ignore the rest of the album" deal for me.

  3. Virgin is still considered not having anal sex, correct?

    I'unno, I've always felt like that wasn't a good "cut off" (cut in? lololol) for declaring a loss of innocence. *attempts to gather his thoughts but can't help by watch the owl above this post swirl it's head hypnotically*

    I mean...I've done stuff my parents wouldn't want to hear about even on their death bed, but I'm still not technically "impure" if that's the common definition.

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