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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. My school has an anime class as well. A couple of my friends took it and talk about how much they enjoy it. They then took a graphic novel and manga class. One of the topics of the anime class is to watch hentai with tentacle rape: that falls under the "obscure" topic, apparently. Personally, I'd feel like I would need Pro-Activ or something as soon as I walked out of the class. That, along with having to watch porn for a grade doesn't sit well with me.

    I dunno, I do actually watch Japanese cartoons, but I don't feel that makes me a gross weaboo. I guess that's kind of like saying smoking pot once or twice a month doesn't make you a pothead, but I think there's a difference between being knowledgeable about it and being obsessed with it. I also don't like talking about it in person, nor Jrock / VK for the matter, and feel uncomfortable when people actually do. Here, there are no social stigmas attached to talking about your home-made MMO when you meet someone, so I guess I'm one of the few people left on campus who see a problem with that (this has a\ back story unrelated to the topic, so I apologize if I'm being vague).

    But whatever: I am content admitting that I play children's card games and blog about Japanese transvestites who sing out of tune for fun.

  2. I wonder if it's true. If it is, don't think this will slow the terrorists down. Fuck, I'm going to the USA this summer. I hope they won't bomb my plane. Anyway, I'll believe this when they show his body.

    They never bombed planes to begin with. Unless Holland pisses them off in the near future or your Airline is 'MURIKA IS BEST U SUK TOWLE HEAD Airlines, I think you'll be fine.

  3. If they're supposed to be pseudo-French, does that mean "vior" is going to be pronounced like "voir?"

    Oh gosh, GRiST was the band that had a member with a goatee but dressed semi-aristocratically. [x] I've never listened to them, so I'm not sure how I feel about this. Anyway, I believe they're the band that I thought disappeared in ReaLies' thread:


  4. :emo: mmmmmmm....didn't really like Rayka, so probably not going to follow them, especially since the sample sounds like Synside's DNA digivolution with FEAR FROM THE HATE.

    Also: that doesn't look anything like the band that was in the teaser pick on Kisaki's blog. I think that there was supposed to be another new band that mysteriously disappeared.

  5. VII-Sense has quickly become the aborted fetus of the would-have-been-love-child of Hizaki Grace Project and Dio. As of late, it's starting to have its father's face.

    3 / 5 songs were already released which is pretty lame considering they were *supposed* to release this in November. The other two were only okay songs that lacked direction after the first 15~30 seconds. I haven't familiarized myself with the two new songs enough to write a whole big to-do on it.

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