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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. I was at a Circa Survive gig, where some girl about two people in front of me puked, only to have her vomit spread across the floor. A couple of people slipped and fell, so they had to cut the band CS half way through one of their songs to have somebody come in and clean it.
    Cobra's singer is latino. Travy McCoy or whatever his name is performed as well, who is also black. Santa the interpreter is white, and the girl they pulled up onto the stage to sing one of their verses was Asian. It was the fucking UN in there, kthnx.

    Your getting overly defensive, racist [4] Don't think you can pull out the "there were lots of ethnic groups"-clause, we know you were sick to your stomach.

    At least there weren't....gay people, like at Versailles' concert. :shock: I judged you, boy with pig-tails and eyeliner.

  2. Cobra's singer is latino. Travy McCoy or whatever his name is performed as well, who is also black. Santa the interpreter is white, and the girl they pulled up onto the stage to sing one of their verses was Asian. It was the fucking UN in there, kthnx.

  3. I fall victim to that psychological principle that says that people like things a lot more if they work for it / actually paid for it themselves, so most of the CDs I've bought I liked :lol: . I don't thing I hate any of the stuff I physically own, but I have two that I think I would have been better off not buying:



    The first one was alright, but I really can't get myself to like a lot of Kamelot songs. I liked a few of the ones that have Simone on them, but everything else was just kinda...ehh. I didn't hate it, but I don't think I should have bought it.

    The second one is the whiniest thing I've heard. I only loved one song from it, which is a short song as well, and definitely not worth the purchase.

  4. While seeing 3Oh!3 at my school last year, some douche-bag kicked in the face while trying to start a crowd surf. Then he had the audacity to ask me to help throw him into the air. That was probably Herpes, also : / .

    At least I got a pair of shutter shades out of it.

  5. HAHAHA! LOL! Kiryu's 夢幻鳳影 is selling better that PENICILLIN's WILL!! No wonder, cuz that PENICILLIN album was terrifying. I mean all of the songs were so generic and booring. I can't believe someone actually spent money on it!

    Better than your favorites.

  6. I haven't listened to the whole single yet, but the drumming sounds exactly the same as with Leda, their support drummer, or Maiyu. For the most part, I consider visual-kei drummers to be interchangeable without making a huge, or any, difference--like here, or Secilia Luna for example.

    In the beginning of Oath drums are really slow :D




    They don't piss me off as much as the used to, but I will never wear them. They're not as bad as those stupid rubber shoes with toes though. Someone who pretty much runs the game design department hear walks around in them at work.


    And GD&D majors wonder why everyone denounces them as socially awkward and greasy.

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