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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Versailles: allowed me to stop being afraid of metal and was my gateway band to visual-kei, along with Malice Mizer.

    Hizaki Grace Project: More or less the same as Versailles' heavier songs, but stalking Hizaki's career led me to kote-kei bands that I couldn't stand for a little while, which leads me tooooo-->

    Madeth Gray'll: Hated them. Hisui sang like a disemboweled goat and their music was all screams and the same simple guitar riffs over and over again. Then all of a sudden I really liked them, and all of a sudden all of those old bands that were similar in terms of musical ability were good too.

    Alesana: Helped me like growly screamy music, although they're very dainty.

    August Burns Red: Gave me an appreciation for metal-core, although I don't really explore that genre too much because most of them aren't that musically interesting.

    AFI / Avenged Sevenfold / HIM: I could tell my friends I like "normal" music now :staru:

    Kalmah: I started liking death-metal-y stuff because of them. Children of Bodom, Felshgod Apocalypse, Sigh, etc.

    Penicillin: Helped me appreciate melodic 90's VK much much more than I ever did. Hakuei 4 evr

  2. Where's her nose?

    On her face right where it should be?

    What kind of stupid question is that.

    Just poking fun at visual-kei's image editor's fondness for upping the brightness to the extreme to make their artists look more feminine, usually causing the nose to blend with the face.

    1, 2, 3, 4.

  3. Americans are so hilarious in their mass ignorance. I almost pity them...

    Yeah, so sad. Such insufferable heathens. Why can't they be perfect like us, the biological elite?

    I wonder...

    It was a joke by the way, I'm american myself.

    As am I.


    Agreed on the ignorance though. No amount of pity is going to change it, so I try not to let it bother me.

  4. Americans are so hilarious in their mass ignorance. I almost pity them...

    Yeah, so sad. Such insufferable heathens. Why can't they be perfect like us, the biological elite?

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