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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. I didn't even know Chola was a word. Also, I think I'm going to refer to white people as "Occidents" now since occidental is a word no one ever uses.

    A fat white guy got hit by a car. I guess you could say it was a pretty big occident.

    pffffpfpfpfpfppfpff :lol:

  2. Of course it is. I probably single-handedly kept the industry alive :D ...well...that, and my boyfriend who buys more cards than I do, my roommate who buys some every so often, and my roommate's friend who steals them from Target (although I don't think she's that much of a help fiscally...) .

    Jokes aside, there are quite a few people who play and there are several large tournaments going on through out the year. The card game was never as mainstream as Yu-gi-oh's was (and still is if you know where to look) because the show didn't use children's card games and most people only bought them to collect.

  3. My roommate is a huge gundam / gunpla fan. I used to be a big fan as well but then kind of fell out of it. His opinion on stuff is whatever 4chan's opinion is, so he likes ugly things like The Turn A and 00 designs.

    I saw the first season of 00 and though it was cool, but not as cool as the "community" feels it should be. I'm not much for needle designs, nor am I a big fan of ridiculously over-powered machines that have 20359252 swords, can time warp or whatever nonsense the sparkling F91 reminiscent mode does, and do amazing things for the sake of justifying the need to make 2030242224251245151 different model kits of it.

    I guess you could say I'm almost a U.C. purist. I've watched other series but they don't have the same feel to me. I liked that the earlier shows were war dramas and the variants were cool as well. I've still watched other series, but they didn't have as much of an impact on me.

    Ironically, G-Gundam was my first series. I rewatched it last year for the ethnic stereotypes :lol: . SEED isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be, mostly because the mecha designs are pretty, but I do agree that there's a bit too much drama and they'd have half as many episodes if they stopped showing flash backs. The only Wing series I'm familiar with is Endless Waltz and The Last Outpost manga. My favorites are Zeta, 0083, Char's Counterattack, and so far Unicorn.

  4. Kingdom Hearts 358 / 2 even though it's SO FRUSTRATING :evil:

    How come :o

    The slot system, mostly, and how there's a bunch of features that they can't fit onto a DS cartridge that kind of hinder the battle system. For example, heartless only really have 1 hit-point, so if it's taller than you you have to use an aerial attack (and at the time I didn't have a keyblade that could hit more than twice). Also, some of the spells are dumb, as is the lack of aiming. Herp derp let's just shoot fira wherever the fuck we want Roxas! I also disliked how the coliseum doesn't reset your magic ammo between rounds. Oh, and the camera controls are as bad as Kingdom Hearts' camera control, i.e., there really isn't any and half the time you die because you can only see Roxas' knees. Lastly, Roxas is hot in cut-scenes, but every other time he opens his mouth he's just dumb.

    Positive aspects include getting to kill Xion for being a useless clump of pixels :hyper:


    I still love him anyway though. He even responded to meeee :D If I can find him on facebook and he likes one of my statuses, I think I'll be inspired enough to make my own VK label and sign him to it.

  6. Interesting read. I think it's funny when famous people address things that people complain about, like the meat dress :lol: . Also, I read that "Born This Way" is supposed to be an acoustic song, like the kind she'll be singing at the Grammys, and that the single version is a dance version of it. Is this true?

  7. If she did take influence from Madonna, I thinks he did it intelligently: if she's playing it at the Grammies, she knows she can't play a song that's copy and pasted from Madonna, of all people. I like the song, don't get me wrong, but I do get the feeling that she wasn't in 100% control of it's direction.

    Also, it's not like this is the first time it ever happened. I could probably list at least 5 songs, from several genres, who've done the same thing or worse. People always react in the same way though: I don't really get it. If someone puts an element of a famous painting into a piece of art they've made, no one would complain and would probably praise them for having a high-art influence. Literature makes dozens up dozens of allusions to other works of literature. Movies are influenced by other movies that sold well before them (although usually they never end up selling well since 9/10 they don't even try to hide that they're pretending to be a knock-off of the latest blockbuster). However, once it happens in music people lose their shit like it's the first time it's ever happened.

    Whatever; a 17-track album is fucking exciting, especially in contrast to how short the Fame Monster was. I can't wait to hear the real version of the German song *______*

    What was the song she played live in NYC earlier last year? It was a piano-ish rock'n'roll song (and I honestly thought "Born This Way" was that song...)

  8. Paparazzi is a masterpiece.

    I had a discussion with my friend about this song on facebook and I think she had some interesting points.

    It also bothers me because it makes me think that either A. the producers have run out of ideas. B. Lady Gaga wants to make a statement like saying that she is the Madonna of our time or C. that somethings are timeless... like her, she was "born that way" during the rise of one of the most popular-willed-successful women in the pop world as we know it.

    Someone else's input:

    I just put my little theory to the test. I had to practice a bit because it has been so long since I listened to any OLD Madonna and I had forgotten the words! But I was able to successfully sing a good deal of "Express Yourself" right on... top of "Born This Way".

    And I noticed something - in the very beginning, GaGa spells out "H.I.M." and repeats the "M" over and over. Suppose she has done this intentionally, as a tribute, and the repeating "M" is a shout-out? I can't believe no one around her noticed that it's by and large the same song!!! And I don't think it's an accident (see: singing "Gilligan's Island" right on top of the intro to "Stairway To Heaven").

    It's going to be interesting to read the onslaught of pop fans bitching at each other over this. Obviously, music is srs bsns.









    I don't really like their vocalist either xD; ... but their bassist has a pretty voice.

  10. +1 for Hikari as well.

    Also, Fu~ki from Blood. I don't see why people who like Blood are upset that he's not their vocalist anymore (although their new one seems to be on the same level).


    Whoever was in Ruminia's latest project after Kreuz Schwert.

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