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Peace Heavy mk II

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Posts posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. @ramrod : That's a lot of dedication o___o . I fall into the first category: bigger guy** who wants to loose some excess body fat and possibly gain a bit of definition. The 2620 is a daily recommendation according to the converter I posted a link to. 2620 a week is like...a sandwich from subway four times a week and then a stick of gum for every other meal. I think I'm pretty good at staying under that, although it's a bit hard since school food (as of yet: it's a work-in-progress at the moment) doesn't have a calorie count / nutritional information posted for everything. The way that I eat, coupled with how often I even have time to go to the gym, pretty much means I'm not going to get results quickly, but I don't really care about that. I've been making progress which is more than enough for me at the moment.

    Unfortunately the school's gym doesn't have a rowing machine. : /

    **Most people tell me that I'm really not all that big. I think I am, but I never had a positive outlook on anything I've ever done.

    @ Chianti: That's good that you're happy with how you are now : ) Most people aren't and never will be.

    To clarify about my friend: his situation is a bit...difficult, I guess. Without divulging too much into his personal life, I'll leave it at the fact that he's having a bit of trouble meeting this guy in person but feels he's really connected with him. Based on my own personal experience of 9 months of having my heart torn out, kicked, and then urinated on, I personally don't consider a relationship to be "official" unless you've met in person and are able to connect just as well there as through a computer or text message. I think he realizes this subconsciously and is a bit nervous about all of the time he's put into making sure he's always around to talk being a waste. He isn't going solely for impressing this guy, but also partly because he can't stand how his body looks. He also readily admitted to me that his sudden interest in taking our twice-a-week trips to gay church more seriously is partly due to his anxiety about never having met his "boyfriend" in public, nor has he been shirtless on cam for him before.

    If you love someone for their personality and how dedicated they are to you, it's easy to overlook their physical imperfections. Who knows; maybe this guy prefers having a boyfriend that's husky. My boyfriend was the same way: he worried about me not liking his body because he had pudge. Doesn't bother me in the least though: I love every inch of him. Plus he's a great cuddler!

  2. Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It's not going to happen!

    That PV had a pretty nice song. I loved "Berlin" from Herpes' mix tape, and off of a mini-album Arithmetica uploaded I liked "fantasy-TRAP version-." I guess I should stop procrastinating and get their music xD; .

  3. My friend and I started going to the gym twice a week back in September. I wanted to go because I think I'm gross and am tired of having Spongebob arms.


    He's going because he used to go semi-often last year, and found out about online dating recently and wants to impress his "boyfriend." I don't really think I've seen too much of a result, really, but I was around 196 lbs at the end of the summer (88.9041045 kilograms for that metric bullshit) and I'm currently at 187 (84.8217732). My arms don't look all that different to me, but then again you don't really notice how your body changes because you see it everyday: other people who don't see you often will tell you if you look different. I doubt I'll ever look like Spatula guy, but it'd be nice to have a bit more definition. My friend, however, is channeling all of his nervous energy into doing this, counting calories, taking protein supplements, starving himself (in comparison to how he'd eat normally), and looks up exercise stuff all the time. Not entirely sure how I feel about him being hard-core about it, but it's interesting to learn.

    Obviously I'm doing this for recreational purposes more than trying to create a new lifestyle for myself, but I also find going to be kind of relaxing. Does anyone here also work out (be it semi-professionally, for fun, or have at least tried it once)? When I go I don't specifically focus on one section of the body: we tend to do arms for about 30 minutes, then a bit of core / love-handle melter (I don't know what it's really called), and then run on the elliptical or bike and play Pokemon for 30 minutes. I use the running time to familiarize myself with new music :P *brings it around to Monochrome Heaven* . I find that -OZ- and Penicillin are nice to run to, as are old school songs found in the "Songs that PUMP YOU THE FUCK UP" thread.

    OH RIGHT: the other thing I thought was interesting that I wanted to share--


    Apparently for my height and weight, I need to eat 2620 calories (at most) to lose 1 pound a week. That seems like a lot to me, especially since health class implies that everyone needs to eat exactly 2000 a day otherwise you'll have heart disease for the rest of your life.

  4. Recently started listening to them because of Herpe's mixtape P: . I kind of don't know where to start with them. I listened to their singles collection album but none of the songs hit me as hard as "花咲く命ある限り" did : / . I mean they were nice, but they didn't wow me to the same extent.

  5. See you in London D! Wish it were at Koko or somewhere with an 18+ restriction though, vk gigs at the academy are always full of 15y/o weeaboos dressed in sex pot shit.

    You just wanna see Asagi's 8=>

    I sympathize with that though. I went to see Versailles in normal clothing and stuck out big time. I didn't have my hair in pig-tails or wear raccoon eye-liner so I got funny looks from other concert goers.

  6. I felt that way too when My Heaven's Luck Sisters broke up on my birthday.

    Oh wait, it made want to fly to Japan and beat some sense into them D:

    I haven't listened to Kaya since Schwarz Stein : / . However, I don't think he's released a whole lot recently, so this is good news for his fans.

  7. Maybe it's because I'm a raving fanboy, but Romance was just sexually abused before my ears (...eyes). What's with the random guitar filler? Where's the dreamy atmosphere? All of the life in that song is sucked out :(

    I'll write a detailed CD review when I'm done listening to the whole Cd.

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