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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Peace Heavy mk II

    [heavy breathing]
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    Agree. Haku could get it.
  3. He's still trying?
  4. Peace Heavy mk II

    Sounds cool
  5. Peace Heavy mk II

    White faced boop-beep music about sandwiches incoming
  6. Moving to Boston tomorrow :V

  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    Visual-gay pride anthem
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

    (it kind of sounds like post-hiatus megaromania sorry)
  9. Peace Heavy mk II

    By all members, do they mean Mizuki too?
  10. Did the scene movement skip Scandinavia or something?
  11. Praying she keeps up the awesome shoe collection.
  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    So were the black and white suits for a specific release, or were they just intermediary promotional pictures?
  13. Peace Heavy mk II

    Oh, that's cool that he's making 2nd presses of his albums. Fairly inexpensive too.
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    I've never bought any, but I have a few from web shop privileges, my UCP lucky bag, and sometimes you get one in a CD. It's strange to see how some guys look without Photoshop.
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    Yeah, the PV spot literally picked the weakest spot in the song after hearing the longer one. Still holding on to saying he sounds like Akira though.
  16. Peace Heavy mk II

    He sounds like Akira from MIRAGE.
  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    So DNA is pretty much a giant UCP boy band? Cell's preview sounds a lot like the last track off of NightingeiL's "Dark word" single, so I think I would like that song even without having heard the original version. Never paid attention to Hide's solo work, but this seems interesting after the samples.
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    真婀咲 now calls himself 'Martha?' I should probably listen to this band's music since I like everyone involved.
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    So, A-sides from Avex-era? I hope they name it 'D BEST ALBUM EVER, MON' and get straw hats with coconut bras and shit.
  20. Moran are really pretty but their music isn't sorry

    1. Senedjem


      r.i.p ur taste in music

    2. fitear1590


      I honestly find kimi no ita gosenfu (

      ) to be one of THE prettiest songs. Only Hitomi's vox are a bit rough, but this is VK we're talking about.
  21. Peace Heavy mk II

    I have to think about stuff that's been released this year, but so far I'm adding 1 to my WTF list. Even as a new cali fan, I feel they took everything interesting about their wild songs and stripped it to be something barely recognizable and, quite honestly, bad. Maybe it's my fault for getting my hopes up about an awesome Guillotine remake.
  22. Peace Heavy mk II

    己龍-化猫 (The awesome bass walk at 00:16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dxnBmjtOgY Baiser - Damage
  23. Peace Heavy mk II

    She could join Cell and give birth on stage so kvlt
  24. Peace Heavy mk II

    This thread makes my head hurt
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