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Peace Heavy mk II

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Peace Heavy mk II last won the day on February 27

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About Peace Heavy mk II

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  • Birthday 08/30/1991

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    Boston, MA

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  1. Were CoЯe the Child popular here / in the Western fanbase at the time they were around? Sometimes it's hard to tell how people got into things. For example: a lot of people only tried Dué Le Quartz because Miyavi was in it, not the other way around. Trying to see if UnsraW's success was just a natural continuation of Yuuki's old band, or did he just happen to get lucky by doing the same thing but at the right place and time.

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    2. Dillinger


      @doombox hit it on the head for me. I only discovered CtC through researching UnsraW's members.

    3. allisapp


      I remember my mp3 which could fit ~200 songs and it worked with batteries. And I did have CtC discography there. I think it was.... 2007-2008?

    4. WhirlingBlack


      I think the ratio is similar to DLQ and Miyavi and CTC and UnsraW, there were certainly some people here and there who knew of them, but few compared to how it is today. I caught the tail end of CTC and the transition to UnsraW, but I don't remember any following until -9-  received favourable response from the community when it came up on Youtube.

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