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Status Updates posted by Delkmiroph

  1. デルクロード 〜

  2. ドラスティック-STU- single bought <3

  3. 左腕??痛?? (´□`。) - スリープ??る??もり????疲れ??

    1. hiroki



    2. ricchubunny



  4.  MIYAVI - AFRAID TO BE COOL / RAISE ME UP... Its New Rupaul songs lol

  5. 「Château Musical」Club is dead....

    1. platy
    2. suji


      Sorry to hear this :( Cat is taking a break for a bit. He'll be back soon tho~

  6. 「デも/demo」 release, its really awesome and very good produced. I am in love totally. 

    1. Kaleidoscope


      I agree, beautiful release! Thinking about ordering a physical copy as well, do you have and can tell me if it looks nice?

    2. Delkmiroph


      All types are great. I recommend to buy the type A or B, both are similar (just change the bonus track ac. version). In soon i will post my review about. 

    3. Kaleidoscope


      Okay cool, I'm gonna wait for it!

  7. @nostalgia awww it been a long time no see u ❤️ 

    1. Jigsaw9


      Sorry, I'm gonna have to sleepytime soon, dead tired. :-( 

    2. Delkmiroph


      oki jig, goodnight :)


    3. shiroihana
  8. @Trombis back ? 

    1. lichtlune


      I thought he was perma banned?

  9. 10 hours to listen 猫夢 / nekoyume song <3 有村竜太朗 - 「デも/demo」 in 2 days

    1. suji


      s c r e a m i n g

  10. 2020: i just fell in love for 福山雅治 AAAAAA 

    1. saiko
    2. Delkmiroph


      google it young Padawan!

  11. 3M tsunami alert issued for Fukushima D: 

  12. 9GOATS BLACK OUT i miss you 

    1. Hakari


      So good, sometimes I just wish Dalle could make that next jump

    2. emmny



    3. Tokage


      neither hollowgram nor dalle are making it happen

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  13. A9... The best high from them is 2006-2012 <3

  14. After 3 months... China is starting to come back normal life. Europa maybe after June. Interesting... maybe will be not a happy summer on this year. 

    1. Ada Suilen
    2. Delkmiroph


      @Ada Suilen well, what the media say just make me think in a short time the China started to control the spread of virus. Control is good start, worst than that could be a chaos. Thats the point to we get some time to found a cure or something.

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I totally agree.

  15. Almost 2 years that i don't make download from here. I just listen in vk web site the leaks.   

  16. Almost 30% of disco from Plastic tree <3 o/

  17. Almost 3am and I'm listening Britney Spears... What is happening ? yeah im drunk.

    1. lichtlune


      Hit me baby one more time.

    2. leafwork
    3. Delkmiroph


      I was listening Stronger song lol

  18. Assessment Centre... on monday, idk what i will do.. i am  f**ked

  19. Brazil... Wednesday i will be there. :P 

  20. Das Leben ist zu kurz, um Deutsch zu lernen.... Wahrheit

  21. DL section disbanded today. although details have not yet been announced.

    1. suji


      well today, a certain nutjob who just got booted for good just threatened mh and that's why that announcement was made

    2. IGM_Oficial


      "btw there's no info about comeback"

    3. Delkmiroph


      Yeap. I was thinking about, many years about dl section... The artists already know what happen here. I think MH its second web site more famous how jpopsuki.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  22. Finally in home (:

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