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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Bay's Ninja Turtles movie looks pretty cool. http://youtu.be/nCjsWpM9zFU

    1. Bear


      Not sure if you are joking or not. You are aware that this is a film based off the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics, that later has had both animated series and live-action films, right? It's not supossed to be realistic.

    2. bonsaijodelfisch


      successfull troll is successfull

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      look so bad... I prefer the movie 2 from 1991/1992...

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  2. Flame-X

    I'm not big into horror movies but one that I really liked is The Thing. Excellent special effects that still holds up to this day and the creature designs are sick. Also really enjoyed Alien.
  3. Flame-X

    That's fine. I understand there's a certain audience for this show but after ep7, it became a show that wasn't for me. The abrupt transition of going from realism to supernatural in a matter of minutes is one of the biggest "WTF" moments I've ever seen in an anime. All logic is thrown out the window. I was hoping all everything after ep7 was all just a horrible nightmare he'd be waking up from but my gosh, it kept on going. Only reason why I kept watching it is to see how much worse it can get. Though I admit there were some alien villain parts where I chucked, however as a viewer I felt trolled by the writers throughout. I really liked how it started off as a light Kick-Ass/Batman and the potentials were endless for that kind of setting. Unfortunately, it turns into this. Score wise, it gets 2/10 from me. Not a score it deserves but the one it needs. XD
  4. Flame-X

    Lol. I don't hate on shows simply because they're different, I'm hating it because it is terrible based on its inconceivable storytelling. I don't wear fanboy/nostalgia glasses when i watch stuff that's got something I grew up with, I treat them as individual shows. I'm not gonna go through my reasons for the flaws or dislikes since it'll give me a massive headache thinking about it, but all I can say is the ending of episode 7, which is the appearance guillotine gorilla, is when the show went downhill for me. If they wanted to go supernatural, they should've done that from the start.
  5. Flame-X

    I rewatched the ep and I have to say it was a bit underwhelming compared some of the previous one. The action scenes weren't exciting as any of the Ryuko vs Satsuki fights but oh well. Still a fine ending overall. In other news, finished Samurai Flamenco. Ugh what a shitty series.
  6. Flame-X

    Quite a fitting end to Kill la Kill.
  7. Horror movies, They Live and The Thing, streams tonight by ShinStation. Join in if you can! http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/NAMN012

    1. Tetora


      John Carpenter : The GOAT. The Thing with Kurt Russel : BEAST.

    2. Bear


      Cool. Two brilliant films. But what exactly is this? Do you guys stream it and nothing more, or do you discuss it after it's finished and stuff?

  8. I'm not too fond about fackbook buying Oculus VR.

    1. Flame-X


      I can't call myself a fan of something I haven't personally experienced yet. But the fact a social networking site buying a high potential tech like that doesn't sit right with me.

    2. whitegrey


      fair enough a big search engine company has a product named "glass" (not the same purpose, I know - just sayin').

    3. Augie1995


      ^Yeah, but that has to do with the product being glasses so it fits. I think Zuckerburg meant to buy himself an Oculus Rift but accidentally bought the company instead

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  9. Flame-X

    Holy crap, I frakkin loved today's ep of Gundam Build Fighter. So sad only one more to go. This show is really trying hard to get me back into model building. YOU WON'T GET MY MONEY BANDAI! NEVEERRRRR! But dammmmnn Star Build Strike sure is something else.
  10. Flame-X

    It's disappointing but it is what it is. Sunrise/Bandai doesn't care much about the fandom wants since all they care is whether they can sell the toys or not.
  11. Flame-X

    http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-03-20/gundam-35th-year-marked-with-reconguista-in-g-the-origin 3 upcoming Gundam animes. Glad to see the 7th Unicorn ep finally has a release date.
  12. Holy shit, the only school-related anime I look forward to. Ano Natsu is my all time favorite romance anime. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-03-21/waiting-in-the-summer/ano-natsu-de-matteru-gets-new-anime

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      speaking of romance anime, are/have you watching "golden time" from last season flame? I find it to be a pretty good romance show right now.

    2. Flame-X


      reading the manga, its not bad.

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      if you like it then you should definitely check out the show. I've heard it's a pretty spot on adaption that doesn't deviate from the source material much at all.

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  13. Pay money To my Pain · Resurrection (P.T.P×Masato from coldrain & Hazuki from lynch.) Pay money To my Pain · Illumination (P.T.P×JESSE from RIZE/The BONEZ) Both songs hit home for me lyrically. LUNA SEA · THE ONE -crash to create- Everytime I listen to this, I always imagine a story about the rise and fall of success and then rebirth. It also feels like a time lapse of an entire day accompanied by beautiful landscapes.
  14. Flame-X

    Ya Rush is a sports drama film based on a true story. Sorry, I can't think of any entertaining cheese racing movie other than Fast & Furious franchise. Maybe I'm just not that big into racing in general. Go ahead and give Need for Speed a shot. Don't let my opinion sway your decision from seeing it. I've seen a few people really enjoy it, so I'm probably just being overly critical.
  15. Flame-X

    I don't mind cheese when it's not taken seriously but when a movie tries to tell a legit story, then that's where I have a problem. This plot scenario feels like I've seen so many other movies just like it. So much of Need for Speed's dialogue made me cringe cuz it was corny and felt so forced. I really hate it when my common sense is being insulted like when you question some parts of the movie, you ask yourself "why didn't he/she do this or that?" The racing here isn't thrilling because of the utterly predictable plot which takes away any form of suspense. As for as the acting goes, Aaron Paul still continues as Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad minus the meth. This overall movie feels like a scrapped first draft script of Fast & Furious that was picked up by some college film student who wanted to make a good looking film inserting all these cliches and tropes without any sort of substance behind it. I wanted to see Need for Speed for a nice little entertaining popcorn flick, but even from that standpoint I was double face palmed. I say a better recent racing film is Rush. The racing cinematography on that movie is great and so is the character development. I can't even put Need for Speed on the "so bad it's good" level. G.I.Joe is a perfect example of that category, at least to me.
  16. Flame-X

    That was definitely a feel good moment in that ep. Sad there's only 2 more eps left. I kinda have a silly prediction in how it's gonna end, I don't know how many of you have seen Scryed but I get the feeling it's heading towards that direction where after Satsuki and Ryuko beat Ragyo, they'll probably face each other for the lulz.
  17. Flame-X

    Came back from seeing Need for Speed. The good? Car porn. The bad? Everything else. The cheese was strong in this one.
  18. Flame-X

    I just saw the animated DC original film, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. While I'm not big on DC heroes, this movie is well done. Probably the most violent and gritty superhero animated film I've seen surpassing the Dark Knight Returns. You'll see characters get decapitated, swords & spears get shoved down their throats, and headshots. The story itself is actually written well. Due to Flash's desire to save his mom from that horrific murderous incident, he traverses time to save her however, that change leads to disastrous results in the timeline. A lot of packed in this film but it wraps up nicely with a tearful ending. This movie is definitely NOT for kids. I highly recommend it even though if you're not into DC like I am.
  19. Flame-X

    I'm enjoying Darksiders but the controls can be unresponsive at times.
    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      nice! looking forward to watching the finished version :D

  20. Any Gundam fans who're interested in a gunpla giveaway contest, watch this twitch channel for more info. http://www.twitch.tv/fightersready

  21. Flame-X

    Saw the latest Garden of Sinners movie yesterday (Kara no Kyoukai: Mirai Fukuin). Not bad but not that good either. The ending left me some questions like what happened to some certain characters.
  22. Wanna reminisce those saturday morning cartoons from the 90s? http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/ShinSaturday02

  23. Gah DAMN! That latest KILL LA KILL ep! O_O

    1. CAT5


      ok, satsuki looked badass when she synced with junketsu! I have no idea what Ragyo is up to, but somebody better call Goku lmao

    2. sai


      did you mean senketsu? Also goddamn ragyo jesus worst parent ever next to gendo ikari jfc

    3. CAT5


      ^ LMAO gendo! and yeah, i meant senketsu!

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  24. Flame-X

    I just finished watching Bayonetta Bloody Fate movie. It's basically a rushed recap of the game in an animated feature.
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