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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Flame-X

    Motorola Moto G 4G/LTE 8GB This thing is a perfect replacement of my Galaxy S2. Everything I ever wanted in a smartphone, well I wish it had HTC's One m7/m8 dual front facing speakers but I'm pretty satisfied with this overall.
  2. Flame-X

    Last week, I went to see the anime/game singer, Ayane, in our local Japan Festival 2014 event. It's actually my first concert in 2 years. It was great seeing her live considering how long I've known her. Overall, it's not bad. Ayane performed the best she could. I would've preferred to see support band members rather than hearing pre-recorded instruments in the background, but I guess that explains how cheap the tickets were.
  3. Flame-X

    I've seen Blood Lad, both the TV and OVA. It's a fun show despite of its shortness.
  4. Battle Angel & 3x3 Eyes (Eps. 1-4) streaming now! http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/AMN-S02-004

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yeah Really excited for it, I hope it airs this fall like the first season did.

  5. WIsh all bands would do more mini-albums/EPs than full length ones.
  6. Flame-X

    About time I bought their CDs.
  7. Flame-X

    Edge of Tomorrow I enjoyed it up until the last 10 min. Weak and ambiguous climax.
  8. Latest episode of Gundamn@MAHQ reviews Gundam Unicorn. http://www.mechatalk.net/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=16121

    1. Tetora


      Gundam Unicorn was so sick.

    2. Spectralion


      I can't helped but cry... literally

  9. Grappler Baki OVA & Fatal Fury: Double Impact STEAMING http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/AMN-S02-003

  10. Sniper Elite V2 is free on steam. Get it now before it expires in a few hours.

  11. Flame-X

    I knew that death was coming but holy shit! That was brutal as fuck.
  12. Flame-X

    ^ Well said. It's fun game overall but it feels so underwhelming from what was shown at E3 years ago. Graphical issues aside, the lack of customization of the gamepad controls boggles my mind. Coming from Tomb Raider immediately to Watch Dogs, it's weird when you have to press the right trigger button to run, left shoulder button to access weapons/tools, and B button as vault. It's really unconventional control schemes for a 3rd person action game. Since I got the game for free, I can't really complain much.
  13. Flame-X

    I finished playing Tomb Raider myself. Great game overall. Enjoyed it more than Uncharted. Right now, I'm playing Watch Dogs. My expectations were high but what a bummer. The control scheme options are very limited for gamepad which really sux for me cuz I'm using a 360 controller. Using keyboard and mouse feels awkward when there's many game mechanics involved. The lamest part is that there's no melee attack button except for take-down opportunities. There's plenty to do in this open world game but it doesn't reinvent the genre. You'll find yourself constantly pressing the hack button when you're in exploration mode. I've only played a little more than an hour so far but right now, my first impressions is a bit of a disappointment. For all you PC gamers, this is very graphic demanding game. Even my GTX 780ti stutters a bit on max settings. Console gamers won't have to worry about this but they're limited to 30fps. Wow, this guy pretty much nailed the technical problems with the game.
  14. Flame-X

    Sure go for it. However, just to warn you, expect nearly 1/3 of the show to be filler and some plot points will make zero sense due to production and business circumstances. Anyways, hope you enjoy.
  15. This site needs a major host/server upgrade.

    1. Gaz
    2. whitegrey


      add Bitcoin to your donation options and I'd gladly donate (more often) ;)

    3. Tetora


      I got a pair of Nikes I dont use if the site needs help running faster.

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  16. Flame-X

    ^ They're all good shows. Skip the tv version of the first Gundam and watch the movie trilogy instead. After you watch Zeta, you'll hate the first 16+ eps of ZZ because of its sudden change of tone but it gets a lot better as the series progresses. Victory Gundam is a very slow watch in the first half and it's overall the most depressing Gundam series with the amount of casualties in almost every ep. it's also the longest tv series running at 51 eps, so this will be more of a chore for you than Turn A. When watching Turn A Gundam, expect this to be more of a character driven show than action. Visit this site for more Gundam info. http://www.mahq.net/animation/gundam/gundam.htm I recommend listening to their podcast as well!
  17. Flame-X

    Finished watching Gundam Unicorn ep7. 1hr and 30min of visual and audio goodness but also many head scratching moments on the plot elements. Newtype mumbo jumbo surpassing the boundaries which includes time travel and ms regeneration. I understand newtype powers emit strange phenomenon however this is straight up BS when it emerges into the physical world, and time travel is the one plot device I loathe. As of right now, my opinion on this OVA series isn't concrete since I'll have to rewatch all the eps. 6 months to 1 year schedule release sucks. It took 4-5 years to complete this series. I'm just glad it's finally over. I'm continuing through JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders which has been fantastic so far. Feels like a shonen anime disguised in seinen looks.
  18. Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01 & Super Dimensional Fortress Macross II: Lovers Again on ShinStation's Anime Movie Night! http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/AMN-S02-002

  19. Flame-X

    These two songs immediately comes to my mind. girugamesh - Vision http://youtu.be/PXrMgiRq4L0 Begins @ 1:39 abingdon boys school - JAP http://youtu.be/HVFwKQdPn-E Begins @ 2:27
  20. Flame-X

    Saw Godzilla (2014) yesterday. Very slow buildup the first half but the last hour completely pays off. It was so satisfying all the way to the very end. I found the ending to be rather amusing when...
  21. Flame-X

    I got mine for free from a friend.
  22. Flame-X

    Got myself Gundam Extreme VS. Full Boost for the PS3. Currently playing the Last of Us. On the PC side, HAWKEN.
  23. Back from acen. So tired but had a fun time overall.

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