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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Batman Arkham Knight!

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      I KNO RITE? That trailer made me bust a blood vessel from all the screaming i did XD

  2. Hello there! While most people here like to draw or do graphic design, I like to video edit. Here are some of my AMVs. Don't worry, these aren't crappy like the ones you see with fansubbed footage or long cuts with nothing in sync. I've spent months on some of these. So I hope you enjoy! Programs: Sony Vegas and Adobe Audition Check out my channel if you're interested in seeing more: https://www.youtube.com/user/cyberxspeed
  3. Flame-X

    Satoshi (girugamesh, REDMAN): He's the one vocalist I'll follow anywhere he goes no matter what music genre. Both his singing and growls are grade A class. Kyo (Dir en grey): Covers all ranges from singing to inhuman screeches. Hizumi (D'espairsRay): He produces some of the best screams I've heard along with exceptional singing.
  4. Flame-X

    I call those adult/mature/NotSafeForOtakus since they don't revolve around school settings or moe characters. XD
  5. Flame-X

    Actually, there has been a lot of controversy over the exhibitionist fanservice when it first premiered, eventually it died down pretty quick. I admit it bothered me at first because I always welcome a badass female main character which is so rare nowadays, but when the show sexualizes her to death, it gave me a massive facepalm. Given that this is the same people who did Gurren Lagann, it's something I should've seen coming. On the business side, it makes sense for them to do this because most of Japan's audience are brainless otakus who care more about the appearance rather than the substance, so more money for them. The way these shows are stylized, you're gonna have to take the fanservice as it is since that's just mere sheep's clothing to the actual meat of the story. Despite of its questionable merits, I find the show entertaining overall. Don't force yourself to watch something that bothers you to that extent. No one is forcing you. On a side note, I just started making a Kill la Kill AMV.
  6. Flame-X

    Your reasoning makes no sense to me. The show was completed years ago so there's no excuse to stop watching the show all because of a halfway point cliffhanger.
  7. Flame-X

    There's one show that's an absolute must watch, that would be Gungrave. http://myanimelist.net/anime/267/Gungrave This anime, my friends, is how to do an anime adaptation from a video game. I've only played bits and pieces of the original source but all I remember is how mediocre the game is. But in the anime, we're treated something even more than what the game has offered. The basic story layout is two best friends, Brandon and Harry, join the mafia syndicate Millennium after a certain tragic event. As time goes by, their reasons for staying in Millennium distance them apart which soon creates a major conflict. Even though it's been 10 years since the show's airing, it's worth not spoiling. A little warning, the first episode can be a very hit or miss, so don't stop there. The way this series plays is they show the present time in the first ep, then in the 2nd ep and on is where they flashback the events leading up to the present. Gungrave is my all time favorite anime and the ending is a masterpiece. So if you're looking for an anti-moe show with a compelling story and characters, this is it. Get your tissue box ready because you will see the tears of time. Funimation's youtube channel has the entire show uploaded both sub and dub. You have no excuse. http://www.youtube.com/channel/SWlThDl65HMH0
  8. Flame-X

    I never said it was bad, just simply disappointing. If I have to shed more of my cons on this show, it had a very cliche set of characters with the most predictable development, even the plot's progression was so easy to connect the dots. I can't go into details since it's been years the last time I seen it but I'll point you here where most of my thoughts are in agreement. Yes I agree the cyberpunk setting is interesting which I forgot to mention. The ending though is the biggest gripe I had because it went with the rinse and repeat scenario with nothing accomplished in wider scale. I almost thought the last half of the show was going for the Minority Report approach with the theme of fighting against the system but sadly it was never realized. Anyways, I'm don't feel like discussing this any further but if you enjoyed the show then that's cool. I rated this a 6/10. Best thing about the series is the ED songs performed by EGOIST.
  9. Flame-X

    I found Psycho Pass to be disappointing because it's no different from a standard formulaic police drama. The villain is the most interesting part of the show up until his.... well I can't spoil it for you. Saw this anime movie called Hal and it's surprisingly good.
  10. Flame-X

    Don't forget Ghost in the Shell, both the series and the movies. Also Gungrave.
  11. Flame-X

    Not in particular order. SIAM SHADE abingdon boys school UVERworld HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR THE FLARE nano ACID Agitato TRIBAL CHAIR Asian Kung-Fu Generation Last 2 picks were just random fill ins for the sake of completion.
  12. Flame-X

    Holy crap! Batman Arkham City is sooooooo goood. This might crack my top 10 video game list.
  13. Flame-X

    LUNA SEA · Loveless
  14. Flame-X

  15. Flame-X

    Snow, mother fucking snow. Hate living in Shitcago.
  16. Flame-X

    The first 5 are ranked. LUNA SEA Dir en grey D'espairsRay Gazette girugamesh lynch D Janne Da Arc ViViD Nightmare Wow that last 5 was harder to choose. I guess I'm not into VK as much as I was before.
  17. Flame-X

    Another show added to my current watch, The Pilot's Love Song. Pretty interesting so far but I fail to see the connection to anime movie, The Princess and the Pilot. Then again, it's too early to tell. I got a soft for revenge stories.
  18. Flame-X

    Gackt has quite a few decent ones. http://youtu.be/TikMBdHFpho 12012's Diamond is pretty amusing.
  19. Flame-X

    Awesome. One release to look forward to.
  20. Flame-X

    I'm playing Dust: An Elysian Tail and Shadow Warrior on PC.
  21. Flame-X

    Buck Tick, Nightwish, and School Food Punishment is all I know, sadly I hardly listen to them anymore. Ayumi Hamasaki · talkin'2 myself KOTOKO · Sakura no Ame Moegi no yo DJ Encore · Falling La Bouche · Be My Lover T.M.Revolution · Save the One,Save the All X JAPAN · Kurenai Jamie's Elsewhere · Wolves Norma Sheffield · Maybe Tonite Gackt · Secret Garden girugamesh · Volcano Ehhh.... damn. You win girugamesh.
  22. Flame-X

    Can't wait for season 4.
  23. Flame-X

    ^ Get yourself a GTX 780ti or a MARS 760. You should be set for the next 5+ years.
  24. Flame-X

    If possible, let's avoid watching anything that's shonen jump aka bleach, narutard, detective conan, gintama, ippo, etc etc. it never ends... Also, anything with huge franchises like Gundam and Macross. There's too much ground to cover and I doubt most people here would even be dedicated.
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