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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Flame-X

    I could care less what they sing about as long as it sounds good. But the engrish though, that can be a real turn off sometimes. The latest Blood Stain Child single, Last Stardust, was unbearable to listen to.
  2. Flame-X

    When you do livestream, people can view the archives if they miss out on the actual live times. The discussion doesn't have to be exclusively on the livestream chat room.
  3. Ah, so much CES coverage to watch.

  4. Flame-X

    With the new season airing, only a few shows caught my attention. Space Dandy Nobunaga the Fool Buddy Complex
  5. Flame-X

    I think this would work as a podcast or a livestream, then we have people who are actually committed in participating the discussion. I wouldn't mind joining in on either one. There's a livestream channel I follow called ShinStation where they do anime movie nights and series with live commentaries using skype. Doing something like that would be great.
  6. Flame-X

    Some shows I finished off: Little Busters!: Refrain Given that this is based on key's VN, I knew there was going to be some magical nonsense going on but the main focus is and will always be character development. Overall I enjoyed it. Lots of feel moments. The final episode though gave me mixed reactions. While I don't mind happy endings, it felt like all the progression that was leading up to the finale was rendered pointless. 7/10 Infinite Stratos 2 Infinitely shitty. What's the point of this sequel when absolutely NOTHING is resolved? 2/10 BlazBlue: Alter Memory Most disappointing and 2nd worst anime of the year. So much wasted potential. As someone who played all the games, I went into this show with the intention in knowing the story since I never bothered to pay attention to the game's storyline. But wow what a clusterfuck of a mess. No one is introduced properly and the story isn't explained up until the penultimate episode but at that point, I could care less since it's too little too late. A perfect example of how NOT to do a video game anime adaptation. 2/10 Valvrave S2 This 2nd season was actually getting good, however the student massacre episode dipped the show into a whole new level of stupidity. Adding a 'kill'em all Tomino' shock factor doesn't make the show any better. The ending didn't sit right with me where everyone is getting along so well in such a short amount of time. Also, fuck Shoko. That bitch needs to be thrown out in the airlock. Saki FTW. 5.5/10
  7. Flame-X

    DIR EN GREY - THE UNRAVELING lynch - EXODUS LUNA SEA - A Will Hands Like Houses - Unimagine Kurosaki Maon - Vertical Horizon
  8. Flame-X

    Because I saw the first season (which was meh but not awful) and went too far to quit.
  9. Flame-X

    Just finished watching Infinite Shit 2.
  10. Flame-X

    The next Valvrave episode will be the last. No confirmation whether it'll continue or not.
  11. Flame-X

    Aniplex of America, please change your marketing strategy or GTFO.
  12. Flame-X

    Breaking Bad S3 got a lot of hate? That's the first time I heard.
  13. Flame-X

    Been playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut for PC. Still my favorite FPS game. Also Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign. Very addicting match'em up puzzle game like bejeweled.
  14. Flame-X

    I thought it was overall a fine album based on my first impressions. My expectations weren't high since they've pretty much exhausted most of their creativity back when they were making it big. But hey, at least they reunited (which I'm really thankful for) and finally released an album. The one negative thing I find as a whole is Ryuichi's vibrato. It's almost T.M.Revolution level of bad which is very grating to the ears. While I didn't mind the song RUN, it was almost unbearable to listen due to that annoying vibrato. My favorite tracks: Anthem of Light, MARIA, Metamorphosis, GIN NO TSUKI Weak: Thoughts, Grace I was disappointed to see Lost World wasn't on there. I wished they replace Thoughts with that song and give it an additional treatment like adding an actual ending to the song rather than a sudden fadeout. It's a great track that feels like one of their main hits than a b-side. Rating: 8/10
  15. Flame-X

    Been single for life.
  16. Flame-X

    I'll post something here for the sake of keeping this thread alive.
  17. Flame-X

    Gundam Build Fighters has everything I ever wanted in the next Gundam series. It's light hearted and full of fun that's a call back to all the older Gundam animes. It's nice seeing mobile suits from different universes fighting each other. Brilliant marketing strategy from Bandai/Sunrise since it's all about selling the toys. I've gotten sick of all these war orphans trying to be idealists and depressing war dramas. Gundam AGE had a good first arc. 2nd arc had wasted potential. 3rd arc is sooooooooo gawd awful! Kio Asuno is without a doubt THE worst gundam protagonist ever. He receives like the most overpowered mobile suit and pulls a Kira Yamato throughout the show after his meeting with just ONE emotional manipulative sickly vagan girl. His stupidity reaches new levels by shouting out in his intercom spamming his naivete of "LET'S UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER!!!" to the enemy. He feels more sympathy for the enemy rather than his grandpa who suffered so much loss. Makes complete sense, right? RIIIIIIGHT? Ugh... So many things wrong with this show, especially that last arc.
  18. Flame-X

    Fafner is pretty straightforward if you only paid attention. If you still don't understand much of the plot then you can read the reviews here. www.mahq.net/animation/fafner/fafner.htm As for Gundam, ever tried Gundam 00 or Gundam Unicorn?
  19. Flame-X

    We need more shows like Monster, Gungrave, Black Lagoon, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, and Jormungand. Animes that don't feel like an anime.
  20. Flame-X

    I saw Thor 2 about a week back. Overall, I enjoyed it more than the first one. However, there are still a couple things annoy me just as the first movie. First and foremost, the romance between Jane and Thor still makes no sense to me. They met only twice and spent probably less than half a day total? 2nd is Jane being useless (again) playing the plot device role. Otherwise, whenever Loki is on screen, he made my day.
  21. Flame-X

    I'm playing Tales of Xillia for the PS3 on new game+. This time, I'm playing as Milla. On the PC side, I'm replaying FEAR 2 and slowly progressing through on Path of Exile.
  22. Flame-X

    Sword Art Online. I'm too lazy to type how shitty this series is so I'll just leave this link here. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw5uLXwBzBYJgClU8tCcFrN2H0q3WXL5F Dragonaut - The Resonance = DISGUSTINGLY HUGE BOOBS + EMO PROTAGONIST + LAUGHABLE ANGRY VILLAIN + SO MUCH STUPIDITY Dog & Scissors. I want my 6 hours back. Gundam SEED Destiny. FLASHBACKS, RECAPS, RECYCLED ANIMATION. Rinse and repeat until the series' end.
  23. I would never hate on something because of the fans, it's just a waste of time and it shows that you're no different from them. Just keep my mouth shut, ignore all the nonsense, and enjoy what I like.
  24. Gamespot doing a next gen giveaway contest. http://bit.ly/1hQKGBi

    1. Miasma


      i see u trying 2 get that grand prize

    2. Flame-X
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