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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Flame-X

    Xenogears is probably my top favorite game OST. It's got amazing haunting melodies that'll send shivers down your spine. Perfectly fitting to the game's scale of the plot. The composer is Yasunori Mitsuda, same guy who did Chrono Cross/Trigger and Xenosaga.
  2. Flame-X

    Love the guitar arrangements in this song.
  3. Flame-X

    You can still play ps1 games on the PS3 if you still have physical discs or buy them digitally in PSN store. PS4 however will not be able to play any discs from previous generations. As for PS4 games, launch titles from any consoles are expected to be mediocre because..... reasons. I'll leave this article here. http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/171008-ps4-reviews-are-in-why-do-most-launch-games-suck As far as hardware goes, there's nothing groundbreaking here. I call it PS3 ver. 2.0, just better specs really.
  4. Flame-X

    That's good to hear yours is working. I've been flooded with twitter feeds on PS4 stability issues and PSN crashing.
  5. Flame-X

    I'm gonna wait for 2nd batch or 2nd generation. If anyone learned stuff from the previous gen systems, launch consoles will always have some issues.
  6. I'm not really into DIAURA but their some of their songs are worthy to be in my playlist. INFINITE, ANOTHER GATE, endless loop. /\ucifer's song, Regret, is the only song I love outta their entire discography. Rentrer en Soi is another one I never cared for however, I really liked the songs STIGMATA, UNENDING SANCTUARY, TO INFINITY, and their MEGIDDO album.
  7. Flame-X

    Gazette - Filth in the Beauty Single Nightmare - Naked Love Single Dir en grey - Drain Away Single Can't believe I spent around $20 on each these singles. Never buying CD singles again. Thank goodness for existence of digital retail.
  8. Never liked Dir en grey's original version of Karasu. Anything before Gauze album is just painful to listen to. I can't stand Luna Sea's songs Precious, With Love, Crazy About You, Slave, and some of their older ones before Mother album. D'espairsRay's Yozora. Ugh.... sorry but this reeks too much fangirls. I don't bother memorizing names of the songs I don't like.
  9. I came across from AnimeNewsNetwork about this issue and I think this editorial sums it up.
  10. Flame-X

    Trust Company · Silently Such a great alternative rock song.
  11. Flame-X

    Ender's Game As a movie on its own, it's good. However, as someone whose read the book, you'll be underwhelmed by the many things that were omitted from the original story.
  12. Flame-X

    http://vimeo.com/77830604 I want to like this song but.... it's too repetitive. Ryuichi's vibrato is grating to my ears and Sugizo's guitar solo is totally identical to his ARC MOON song.
  13. Flame-X

  14. Flame-X

  15. Flame-X

    LUNA SEA – The ONE -crash to create-
  16. Flame-X

    Luna Sea's 2007 Reunion concert God Bless You ~One Night Déjávu~ Luna Sea's 2010 LUNACY Kurofuku Gentei GIG ~the Holy Night~ abingdon boys school JAPAN TOUR 2008 D'espairsRay - Liquidize: Live Tour '06
  17. Flame-X

    If you're talking about Tales of Xillia, there's a sequel out in Japan that'll soon get its outside release. Maybe that will fill gaps?
  18. Flame-X

    Finished Shadowrun Returns and now started on Retro City Rampage on steam. On the PS3 side, I picked up Tales of Xillia.
  19. Flame-X

    There's always a legal method for free streaming. https://www.daisuki.net/ Even youtube carries some full series. http://www.youtube.com/user/FUNimation/videos?sort=dd&view=1&live_view=500&flow=grid http://www.youtube.com/user/MANGAentertainment/videos?flow=grid&view=1 http://www.youtube.com/user/GundamInfo
  20. I've put together Gazette's TO DAZZLING DARKNESS+CODA in a single song without any gaps or hints of disruption in between. If anyone wants, here's the link. http://www.mediafire.com/download/hiivoqy54v1atw2/the_GazettE_-_TO_DAZZLING_DARKNESS_+_CODA.mp3

    1. Miasma


      they transitioned seamlessly for me in foobar :v

    2. Flame-X


      I use winamp as my primary player and always have it on shuffle. This is for people who want the 2 songs in one. Take the two songs in audio editing program, there's an obvious gap of silence.

    3. Augie1995


      I don't hear much of a gap or anything between the two songs. Thank you for this but I appreciate having them separate so that I can experiment with using Coda after another song

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  21. Flame-X

    Forgot to add I'm also watching: Arpeggio of Blue Steel Samurai Flamenco
  22. Flame-X

    I finally finished Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card which is a parallel story to Ender's Game. Great book taken from another perspective and incredible writing on human condition. I found Bean to be more likable than Ender. Now I'm ready for this movie that'll be out on Nov. 1.
  23. Flame-X

    My parents mainly listen to classical, gospel, and sometimes kpop.
  24. Flame-X

    Hands Like Houses · A Fire On A Hill
  25. Anyone into trance music? It's one of my all time favorite genres when it comes to the electronic category. Hope there are other listeners here besides me. For those who aren't familiar with it... I usually consider it to be a "feel good" type of music or atmospheric. Here are a few songs I listen to:
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