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Everything posted by Flame-X

  1. Flame-X

    Forgot to mention, don't do Windows 8. Stay with Windows 7 until 9 comes out. 8 is awful on the desktop especially if you don't have a touch screen.
  2. Flame-X

    If space is the biggest issue for you, then how a mini-ITX build? See this for example.
  3. Flame-X

    I don't recommend going with that case. There's plenty of better ones for less than $120. My case is the Fractal Design Define R4 which cost me $100 and it packs plenty of features. Also, get at least a 500 watt PSU since you're going with an AMD gpu. AMD is good stuff but they're notorious for their power consumption. As for RAM, I suggest going with Corsair, Kingston, or Gskill brand. While that i5 is a great processor, do you plan to overclock it? If not, then buy the non K version, it would also make that aftermarket cpu cooler pointless.
  4. Well, it was only a matter of time. Thanks for ruining Twitch, google. http://blog.twitch.tv/2014/08/3136/

    1. Flame-X
    2. sai


      why does google kill everything it gets its hands on

    3. Flame-X


      Yep, they muted my audio. Fuckers.

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  5. Flame-X

    There's a target audience for this. If you're a console or PC owner of this game, there's no reason for you to complain unless if you were planning to buy it for the go.
  6. I've been using this username since 2005(?). Inspiration came from Flame of Recca and X TV. Two of my favorite animu way back during high school days.
  7. Flame-X

    Time to upgrade your room son.
  8. Nhato - Hello World (Shingo Nakamura Remix) I've been on a trance fix lately.
  9. Flame-X

    One bad thing that immediately comes to my mind is their censorship policy. To this day, I still don't understand why they censor porn.
  10. Steamboy & Metropolis #AnimeMovieNight! stream. http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/AMN-S02-006

  11. Flame-X

    I just bought The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky myself. Played the first 15 min of it and already in love with it. There's a lot of small numerous bugs that hinders the gameplay so I'm waiting on some of those fixes before I start playing again.
  12. Flame-X

    Finished playing Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons last night. Beautiful game that left me a single tear drop. This is a great example of a game where the visuals tell the story, no dialogues. Started up Dishonored and completed the intro part. I'm liking it so far. Still plowing through Payday 2 as my go to game after coming home from work.
  13. Flame-X

    Where can I get a PS2 emulator and the roms? Any trusted sources?
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if google forces their awful google+ down on our throats when signing on twitch.

    1. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      I hope not, but you can always just ignore it like on youtube... otherwise I'm interested to see what google can bring to twitch, I'm taking an optimistic stance on the matter right now till I have reason not to :D

  15. Flame-X

    Here are my jpop recommendations. GIRL NEXT DOOR HAL (disbanded) Ryohei Yamamoto (inactive?)
  16. Flame-X

    Once you go SSD, you can never go back.
  17. Flame-X

    Plane tickets to Japan.
  18. Flame-X

    Listening to this track motivates me to rob banks. One of the best menu music I've heard.
  19. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time & Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below #AnimeMovieNight! http://new.livestream.com/ShinStation/AMN-S02-005

  20. Flame-X

    You can start by looking at the case and see which one you own.
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      that makes me happy, but I'm not too sure about new protagonists and a 7 year time skip... I was more hoping for it to still be focused on sei and reiji and the old gang :/

    3. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      I'll still watch it and love it most likely, but still I'm a little disappointed

  21. Flame-X

    For PS3, I have Blazblue Chrono Phantasma and Persona 4 Arena. You can add me as cyberxspeed on PSN. On PC, Skullgirls and Vanguard Princess. Add me on steam if you wanna play. Blazblue is the one I'm best at.
  22. Flame-X

    I'm gonna break this up into 2 categories choosing my top 10 in no particular order. Ongoing: Akame ga Kill Ubel Blatt Berserk Itoshi no Karin Komomo Confiserie The Legend of Maian (3+ years no update x_x) To-Love-Ru Darkness Futari Ecchi Minamoto-kun Monogatari Hayate The Combat Butler Completed: Absolute Boyfriend Chibi Vampire Kagetora Bakuman Velvet Kiss Love on the Job Maid Sama! How to Go Steady with a Nurse magico The Flowers of Evil
  23. Flame-X

    Finished Farcry Blood Dragon on PC. Enjoyable game that's got 80's entertainment reference porn all over it. It's just that, Uplay... ugh. Now moved on to Brothers - A Tale of 2 Sons. Interesting gameplay where you have to control the 2 brothers at once and clever use of getting around the puzzles. Nice visuals for its style. Been continuing on Payday 2. If you can ignore the numerous amounts of small bugs or blunders, you'll love this co-op game overall.
  24. Flame-X

    So let me get this straight, if your family member or friend died right in front of you, would you still have a clear state of mind? o.O I don't buy this whole informing his friends because as I said before, exposition, and that was just one example out of the many. There was even more exposition on the 2nd ep that made me roll my eyes around. I'm gonna take back the robot statement and came to the conclusion that the main character is literally a retard. I don't mean that as slang sense, but mentally handicapped. It's clear he's oblivious to some of the most common sense situations, show no sense of care to his deceased friend, and stone faced entirely. If there was a good reason like a traumatic past that made him the way he behaves like that, then those important details should've been shown within the first two eps, even if its a second of it. Otherwise, the writing as completely failed to make me cheer for this protagonist. Sure some people like that exist in the real world but, real world =/= fictional storytelling. That's my 2 cents based on first impressions. Take it or leave it, I don't care. I'm not gonna press this issue any further. I came across one forum post on MAL that pretty much sums up my overall thoughts so far.
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