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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    wow this is just like when martin luther king invented protestantism
  2. this man is like 100 years old and he will STILL never stop
  3. Tokage

    a way better job at copy-pasting news, amazing. #wow #whoa #italiano
  4. Tokage

    if you literally gave half as much of a shit about the bands you stan then you'd know where to find relevant news about them yourself anyway lmao being ''the news guy'' shouldn't be an excuse to just go around breaking the rules, insulting mods and acting like a diva for no fucking reason, if other people aren't allowed to bandodge then why should he?
  5. ''t-this time i'm really leaving you guys, i swear!''

    1. Tokage


      [2 hours later]

      [wheezing and sweating while staring at a computer screen filled with static] DISBANDMENT.... HIATUS... NEW MAXI-SINGLE...

    2. Biopanda


      "I-it's not like I wanted to give you news anyways, baka!"

    3. Tokage


      [comes back after like 3 days and pretends nothing happened]

  6. Tokage

    Yoshiki's REAL important announcement: Yoshiki was Trombe all along and he's leaving MH because we keep roasting his chips brand also, do this
  7. Tokage

    HERE I COME......
  8. Tokage

    Yoshiki chips are actually made out of failed VK bandomen & their costumes thrown into a woodchipper
  9. Tokage

    Guruguru Eigakan and Inugami Circus Dan, yo. Although they don't do it all the time or all at once, basically all the members in both bands have had songs to themselves
  10. Tokage

    ni c e
  11. new Geba is lit.....

  12. Tokage

    is this not me???
  13. Tokage

    Damn, y'all, I forgot audioleaf was a thing! Thanks for reminding me lmao also I've been plowing through some '80s Japanese new wave stuff lately. Though I kinda doubt most people will care for it, 'll post some neat stuff anyways lmao
  14. this sounds like 100% straight up, unfiltered, hand-crafted artisanal bullshit
  15. Tokage

    do you guys think the Buck-Tick dudes have do$h
  16. Actual serious reply: I have a question to the people with synaesthesia who may or may not be out there, because I've always wondered about this sort of thing.. Does the color/smell/image or whatever associated with something change per person, or are there things which have like an association that's agreed upon? Also, any people out there who can ''taste'' things? If so, I'd like to hear some more about that. I'm not really sure if it counts as synaesthesia.. it probably does not, cuz I feel like it's something everyone does to some extent, but I do get very strong and vivid imagery in my head when I listen to music, be it just solid colors or sometimes something more detailed
  17. Tokage

    most band members: CONSTANT DEBT and SUFFERING
  18. hot opinion: shuuji is goatbed's weakest link

  19. Monday: Blue Tuesday: Grey Wednesday: Grey also Thursday: I dont care Friday: Love wait...............
  20. Tokage

    and that man was Kyo himself.........
  21. Tokage

    They should just let Kaoru sing the other vocal lines
  22. Tokage

    ''Tone deafness'' is just an opinion
  23. Yeah, really digging the PV's visual aesthetic. Also hell yea invisible kung-fu fighting Kyo
  24. Tokage

    cant believe Hyde is dead
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