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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

  2. Tokage

    one single semi-overweight man wearing a japanese flag as a cape
  3. Tokage

    we should probably expect that new album (if it ever comes out (yea right, like it ever will)) to be full of shitty mom-tier ballads tbh...
  4. mfw these white bois dont listen to 80s space synth like Proxyon
  5. Tokage

    I find the whole "muh Friday the 13th ripoff!!!111!!!1" controversy quite amusing, by the way..
  6. Tokage

    The Burning. Bretty gud slasher movie with special effects done by Tom Savini. Some of the effects look somewhat dated by now, but I thought overall the movie holds up pretty well. Nothing revolutionary, nothing special, just a good old classic "serial killer at the summer camp" scenario. Funny to see Costanza in it too.
  7. Tokage

    hope they leave half their menu's ingredients unavailable due to sanctions for authenticity
  8. Tokage

    All the fucked up adult baby play horeshit aside, I have to agree with @chemicalpictures here, their music is legit not THAT horrible. Also @Biopanda, the privilege goods are obviously Baboo-brand adult diapers
  9. Tokage

    R100 - Another bizarre movie directed by Matsumoto of Gaki no Tsukai fame. He also plays a minor character in the movie who appears for about two scenes. The initial premise of the movie is that a salaryman whose wife is in a coma signs a contract with some sort of shady BDSM company to get 'punished' at random intervals for the duration of a whole year. While that's already sort of a bizarre premise in and of itself, things gradually become stranger and stranger, with a voice-imitating dominatrix, a dominatrix who can unhinge her jaw and consume people like a snake, and the gaijin ceo of the bdsm company who pretty much only speaks in cursewords. There's also some meta shit going on in the background. To be honest, I enjoyed Big Man Japan and Symbol more, but this one still delivers on the "WTF? factor", so it's definitely a must watch for anyone into that. I'd give it a 6.5 / 10 or so Vital - Shinya Tsukamoto once again proves that he's got a great eye for aesthetics. The whole film is absolutely fantastically shot, and the overwhelmingly melancholy atmosphere is palpable. Tadanobu Asano has as of yet never disappointed me in any role I've seen him in. The plot concerns a man who wakes up in the hospital after a car crash. His family takes the opportunity to goad him back into med school again, where he is eventually faced with the body of his dead girlfriend on the dissection table. What follows is the protagonist's journey for closure and the recovery of his own real self. 7.5 / 10 for me, one of my favorites by Tsukamoto so far
  10. Tokage

    hell fuckin yea
  11. Tokage

    holly shit my parents sent me like nearly 20 kgs of food & other stuff what the hell
  12. Tokage

    Now THAT's how you do proper heavy music, how can visual bois even compete???
  13. Ballads are mostly pointless drivel to me anyway, but I would've honestly preferred if they'd went the Dir en grey route of re-recording/deconstruction instead of this regardless..
  14. Tokage

    w/ the whole phone call thing this shit's startin to remind me of lasagna cat
  15. Tokage

    yet another shironuri band dies.... nice
  16. Tokage

    The fact that ppl try so hard to separate themselves on some sort of race/gender/sexual orientation-based grounds, sometimes to the extent that it pretty much becomes like their core defining feature, and then get mad when other ppl judge them based on this particular aspect of their personality is still a total ???????? to me, honestly. I mean, there's obviously nuances here between thinking like "Damn, having like 50 gender identities is weird, esp cuz half of them just seem to be the same thing w/ a different name slapped on" & literally shooting up a gay bar or something equal to that, but still identity politics was, to quote the epic anime man, a mistake
  17. Tokage

    that message dead-ass sounds like LITERALLY just about every "new dark-ish vk band trying to describe their concept" post that has ever been made in the last decade or smth
  18. Tokage

    3 years in music jail for everyone involved
  19. Tokage

    can,,, u.........helpmeto find mine grands on.......................
  20. Tokage

    wnat the hell is downloading ,,,,,? im 82 yeras. old &nd my i dont know how to use computers my grandson only visit's me once a month
  21. 首振りDolls - anyone got any more info on this band? They sound kinda cool


    1. plastic_rainbow


      ayyy i found the first band on youtube once but forgot about them lol....these all sound great, thanks for sharing~! anyone know where i can get their music too..?

    2. Jigsaw9


      Never heard about either of these, but they both sound cool, thanks! :D I shall investigate~

    3. Jigsaw9


      Couldn't find download links so far, but Google Play unexpectedly has Tacojizou's first album, haha. https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Tacojizou_Les_Tentacles_De_La_Orgasme_Pieuvre_Pour?id=Bcm5mxxkzqoo6z7f42sjndmtq34

    4. Show next comments  225 more
  22. Tokage

    Yeah, honestly, I've always felt more... perhaps not fear, but at least uncertainty (in a " is this thing gonna try to chew my ankles off or what?" type of way) around those smaller dog breeds than around the bigger, more 'canonically dangerous' ones. That's not to say that irresponsible pet owners don't span the entirety of the dog breed spectrum, though... Back in my old neighborhood in the Netherlands there were more than enough people who couldn't properly train or handle their bigger dog breeds either. There was one old lady who could barely walk at all anymore, owned a German shepherd with a serious mean streak. She was too weak to properly handle it while outside, so the dog ended up biting people cuz it just broke free from her grip. Good stuff. Ended up being put down, if I remember correctly. Unfair to the dog? Perhaps, but considering she lived in an area where a lot of small-ish kids lived at the time...
  23. Tokage

    it is the god-given right of every good white boy to say this word very loudly at the entrance to an extremely large cave so that the echo may bounce off its walls forever..... just my onion
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