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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Live albums are lame and pointless, if I wanted the ''live experience'', I'd rather go to a concert
  2. Tokage

    what if earthworms had abs
  3. Tokage

    That is actually how you're supposed to pronounce it
  4. Tokage

    I honestly would just like to see more horror movies featuring other types of Yokai for a change besides just regular yurei tbh, since Japan has such a rich and varied collection of different types... I can't honestly think of all that many, only thing that comes to mind are those Kuchisake Onna-themed horror movies and that's just about it.
  5. what are some good new teevee serie's too watc'h

    1. Jigsaw9


      Just started watching Scream Queens, it's hilarious! Recommended if you like horror comedies with a bit of a late '90s teen horror vibe (picture AHS Coven, only funnier and weirder).

    2. Kira_Uchiha


      Sherlock, House of Cards, Suits, Daredevil, Once Upon A Time, Vikings and Criminal Minds :3

      Oh and also Borgia *_*

    3. Show next comments  369 more
  6. Tokage

    Finally got around to watching the original Ringu the other day, pretty fun movie. Not sure if I'll give the western remake a try, is it worth watching after you've already seen the original or is it just a 1-on-1 remake/just totally terrible? By the way, to this day I STILL don't know what Japan/Asia's deal is with the whole ''stringy black-haired ghost girl'' archetype, I just don't see what's so spooks about it tbqh.
  7. Tokage

    Post-punk influenced VK is the best VK (altho i'm not sure if that's an unpopular opinion :v)
  8. Tokage

    THIS MANY SONGS ALREADY?! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee please fucking release another album please please please
  9. love this year of Cthulhu kei

    1. Jigsaw9


      Cthulhu fhtagn desu neee

    2. YuyoDrift
  10. Tokage

    Yeah, Satan's Little Helper... Not the best in its genre. I don't even really remember how it ended because at some point while watching it I just kind of zoned out lmao whoops
  11. my review of THE NOVEMBERS' Elegance - 0/10 u can t even breadance to it

    1. Chi


      I liked it >:( but its not better than rhapsody in beauty

    2. Tokage


      no drop? not music! [2] if u can drop the cd and it still works it isnt music

    3. CAT5


      I enjoyed it a lot!

    4. Show next comments  369 more
  12. Tokage

  13. take me down to the vk city, where your favs disband and the dudes got titties

  14. Diamond is Not Crash anime adaptation when pls

  15. Diamond is Not Crash anime adaptation when pls

  16. tfw that new guniw tools single still hasn't surfaced :(

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i'll be a pal and upload that later today~ :]

    2. Tokage


      [yelling excitedly]

    3. ChaoticEnding
    4. Show next comments  369 more
  17. Tokage

    Not even changing the topic title to ''Unplugged.dj'', DISGUSTING
  18. Tokage

    Finally finishing my run through China Mieville's bibliography by reading through his Bas-Lag trilogy. Currently about halfway through the final part, Iron Council. Like all of Mieville's works, I have loved just about every minute of it. Also, I saw that Penguin Books is going to reprint a couple of Thomas Ligotti's rare short story anthologies and that shit's got me H Y P E D
  19. Tokage

    Ps does Kyo just ''improvise'' with lyrics because he can't be assed to remember the actual lyrics or what? Also, are there any other bands who do this? I can't think of any but Dir en grey off the top of my head at the moment..
  20. what is this all of a sudden, the year of nagoya kei's comeback?
  21. Tokage

    oh yeah, i forgot to add Pink Killer to the low-tier tracks category, goddamn that song blows lmao
  22. love too see everyone Foreverially tiedup & 'peanutized'
  23. Tokage

    how y'all gonna say Jesus Christ R'n'R is one of their worst tracks when Dir has lame shit like Decayed Crow, The Deeper Vileness, Beautiful Dirt, The Inferno, S and that kinda stuff tho? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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