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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. - cali≠gari

    - Plastic Tree

    - Merry

    - Guruguru Eigakan

    - Inugami Circus Dan

    - Buck-Tick

    - Strawberry Song Orchestra

    - 9goats black out

    - Metronome

    - Sandwich de 120pun?


    5 runners up:

    - Guniw Tools (not exactly sure they count. That's why they're here, otherwise they'd be 2nd place)



    - (old) Mucc

    - amber gris

  2. I'd probably die if something even vaguely resembling this ever happened...



    01. Mucc - Melancholic

    02. Shilfee & Tulipcorobockles - Zetsubou No Oka (I remember hearing Full cover this song before during his webstream lives, soooo....)

    03. Coaltar of the Deepers - Cell (I think Narasaki already contributed to this song)

    04. cali≠gari - consent. (Ishii's goatbed influences would fit this song hella well)

    05. the god and death stars - Wareta mado

    06. LIPHLICH - Tremolo (They'd probably totally change it into something unique)

    07. Moran - Utsusemi

    08. DOPPEL - Sink

    09. DIMMDIVISION - 13th friday

    10. Hollowgram - Kuchuu Buranko

  3. William Gibson's Pattern Recognition. It's weird to see him tackle a more contemporary setting after reading his Sprawl trilogy, but he still manages to somewhat keep the sci-fi feel even though the novel is set in 'our' 2002. Took me a while to get into the book, maybe because I was expecting something more cyberpunk, but now I'm really digging it.

  4. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

    it's rare that a movie can capture the spirit of a book almost entirely, but this one managed so well. It's pretty much a direct adaptation and it's an absolutely hilarious ride of a movie.


    The Roost

    Tried re-watching this because it didn't do anything for me the first time around. Still doesn't. I can tell the director is genuine in his dedication to all the 'classic' '70s/'80s pulp movies, but this one just doesn't do it for me for some reason. I admire the effort, but I just can't like it.


    Dead Silence

    I. fucking. hate. puppets. This movie succeeded in spooking me a couple of times. Nice atmosphere, though it's obviously not perfect.


    One Last Dance

    Singaporean crime movie. Was somewhat standard in terms of its plot. Pretty hard to follow at some points because of random scene switching. Had some stylishly shot scenes, though. Tolerable enough for one watch, but not a movie I'd watch again. Also WHY did the director have to use cgi blood?

  5. You want rarez, but you have no rarez to trade for these rarez? Forget about getting anything. I advise you to not go that way anyway, and listen only to available stuff. It's more stress free, because people who own rarez are rude. Never ask people to share anything with you, even in a nice way. All you'll get is a rude response.


    You really won't, though. There's maybe some cases of people who are total asslords, but many rarezpeople I know are actually pretty nice.


    heard that btw are you named tokage after that obscure band tokage always wanted to ask?


    Nope, I actually never even listened to them, heh. I'm just too lazy change my name into Turtels here as well. 8D

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