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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. Cinema Staff have now been featured on SnK, so obviously I can't like them anymore because I don't want to have anything do do with SnK-related things.



    Haha, nah, that isn't true. Still, truth is, I DO prefer アルカラ over them. While both bands definitely sound enjoyable and both are really good at what they do, I think arukara have slightly more variation in their style. Most things I've heard by cinema staff (admittedly, not THAT much, but enough to form an opinion on them) end up sort of melting together and sounding near-identical to me after a while, while for arukara that isn't the case. They'll usually come up with some unexpected twist that manages to catch my attention when I notice it's slipping.

  2. Quote taken from their OHP:

    【Announcement from the Tokyo Shoegazer】

    Thanks for always supporting us.

    The band has been together for 4 years.
    We were going to make the new 3rd album after the next La.mama gig
    but the k told us he was going to go away from the band.
    We believe that the best members is "now" and talked with the k many times
    but his feeling was drifting apart from the band and we accept it.

    We decided to break up the Tokyo Shoegazer.
    The La.mama (2013.10.18) is the our last gig.
    Sorry for the sudden announcement and Thanks for the support to us for 4 years.
    Thank you, Thank you so much.

    Tokyo Shoegazer




    well , shit

  3. My mom used to listen to older glam-rock stuff ( think Alice Cooper, Billy Idol, Kiss, Queen, that sort of stuff ), rock ballads and some other classic rock. Also listenst to other '70s and '80s (synth)pop/new wave stuff like Depeche Mode, Madonna, Nena, a-ha etc. Nowadays she doesn't really listen to music all that much unless the radio happens to be on. She did at some point like Within Temptation and Evanescence enough to buy a live dvd of theirs though..


    My dad listens to a whole bunch of stuff.. Off the top of my head I know he nowadays digs Bob Marley, The Beatles, David Bowie, The Smiths, Pink Floyd, Simply Red, The Doors and a bunch of Dutch shit I hate. I guess he's more open-minded than my mom when it comes to music, he actually listens to stuff if I recommend it to him.

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