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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. since I saw it was you who posted turtles I KNEW it would be tumblr related lol


    ANYWAY if you dislike Who, what's still keeping you watching it? This isn't meant to be mean or an attack to you though, I'm just genuinely interested. Also I thought Moffat was doing this from season 1 onward? As in, he started with Christopher Eccleston.

    No, during Eccleston's time the showrunner was Davies. Moffat only wrote a few separate episodes. It wasnt until Matt Smith came in that Moffat became the full-on showrunner. I guess he's the type of person who can deliver when making like... separate standalone (or two-part) stories but just awkwardly stumbles when given full reign over the show. He's managed to sort of mess up some of the great things he initially created by sort of... over-using them or over-expanding them IMO, like the Angels and River Song for example. I'm not saying his entire run is shit though, Matt Smith's second season was like one of my fav. new Who seasons, but since then it's been sort of.... ??? like idk I watched all but the last 2 episodes of this season but most of them just didnt do it for me this time so i have high hopes that things will improve w/ the new dude (Also so far all of Moffat's christmas specials have been pretty lame compared to the Davies-era ones, except for the last one)


    but ok woop sherlock time now

  2. Show's tumblr fanbase is fucking disgusting, I hate Benedict Cumberbatch and his dumb face so much + also Steven Moffat for being a mysoginist dicklord and ruining Dr. Who by letting Reddit and Tumblr become its unofficial showrunners BUTTTTT on the other hand, despite all that, I actually do genuinely enjoy the show somehow??? Martin Freeman and Mark Gatiss are ballers and they're hecka entertaining to watch. Some episodes are of course more interesting than others but that's a thing all shows struggle with. (Looking at you, season 1 episode 2, you SUCK)

  3. He's a solo chiptune artist, which basically means he produces these 8bit nintendo game-type songs. Imagine Anamanaguchi with less rock and more dance, I guess?


    Weird bleeps & bloops, dude's collaborated w/ Coaltar of the Deepers. Sounds very 'spacey' (if that's even a thing)



    Glitchy and extremely minimalist electro. Everything's stripped down to its barest form, but there's still a sort of groove underneath everything.


    Once again somewhat glitchy, but at the same time with a very warm, organic sound. I guess it sort of blurs the line between post-rock and electronic music

  4. Watched V/H/S yesterday.

    Damn, talk about inconsistency in quality. Like, overall I felt it was enjoyable despite the high-level shakycam but there were some pieces which just didn't do it for me, like the second short and the wraparound.

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