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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. you just need to know the right people is all there is to it to be honest


    also, from my own experience, 95% of rarez are rarez for a reason (they suck ass/they're random live-dist comment cds of band members reviewing hamburgers), but there's always the 5% of stuff that is legit good and impossible to get..

  2. I don't think the repetitiveness of the chorus is as bad in this one as it was in, say, Hageshisa tbh.


    All the random shots of disaster-struck areas make me think that maybe people were right before about the song being in the same spirit as their campaign after the whole bullshit with the nuclear reactor a couple of years ago, though I guess it might just be the director trying to make stuff look 'cool' or whatever as well.



    .... Really hope the live dvd footage will surface soon, want to see the new Macabre live so fucking badly hgngngngn

  3. If I had to pick solely based on those lists of artists posted by Re:pli:cant up there, DC wins for me personally by a major landslide. They have a much more appealing lineup of artists, which are (mostly) solid in terms of musical output as well. Like, I can sort of vaguely see how bands like Screw or D=out could appeal to people, but I personally feel like they don't deserve to be on a semi-major label at all.

    The fact that DC actually embraces their foreign fanbase instead of trying to push them away, as PSC seems to be so desperate to do, also helps to establish DC as the superior label in my eyes..

  4. Ningen Shikkaku (2010), an adaptation of Osamu Dazai's famous novel. Because I really loved the book, I had great expectations of the movie as well. Sadly, the movie itself fell flat in most aspects. The acting was okay, but so much of the book's content was skimmed over or just completely unclear that anyone who hadn't read the book would have great difficulty keeping up with the movie. The book itself centers largely around the thoughts and feelings of its main character, but in the movie you get almost no idea of how he thinks or anything... Stuff just happens without any real explanation. It's a pity.

  5. Pretty much all the 'typical' '90s nu-metal bands (Korn, Coal Chamber, Limp Bizkit, Deftones) sound like a large majority of VK bands from ~2002 - 2007 in some shape or form. Early girugamesh and also √eight, for example.


    Also, Exotic Animal Petting Zoo always gave me a modern Dir en grey type of vibe (although they're not VK anymore, but still..)

  6. I tried to watch Enter the Void yesterday, but I couldn't finish it... Maybe I wasn't in the right state of mind for it or maybe I'm just a cinema pleb, I don't know. It just didn't do anything for me other than bore me, to be honest..

  7. Aw yis, I Am Robot And Proud is great. I couldn't get into Braids' latest thing at all, though despite how I heard part of it live last summer. It didn't really captivate me for some reason.. On the other hand, I remember hearing some of Local Natives' new stuff live and really liking it, but I haven't managed to listen to the studio version yet... Should really get around to it. I'll check some of the hip-hop stuff on your list out too, I feel like I haven't listened to enough hip-hop in the last year.


    In terms of japanese artists, I agree wholeheartedly with all the ones I actually know. Especially 88kasyo and The Novembers continue to sweep me off my feet every year with what they manage to release..

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