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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. Nice titles! Philip Dick is one of my fave sci-fi writers. Pynchon is interesting too, though Gravity Rainbow and Against the Day took me a couple of attempts to finally get through lol. 

    Yeah, Gravity's Rainbow is prettttttty Interesting. It was the second Pynchon book I read, the first one being Inherent Vice, and it felt really jarring to see the transition. Inherent Vice feels MUCH more straightforward... Still, I really did like the book even though I feel like I missed like 70% of all the references and such.


    Also, to stay on topic, my most recent purchase was a ticket to the zoo.

  2. Yeah, that's true. Same with Carpenter's The Fog. Brilliant stuff. The films just drags you into their universe and doesn't let you go until they're finished.

    The Fog is great. I don't know if it's blasphemous to say so, but I think I like it more than Halloween, even.

  3. 凛として時雨 - i'mperfect

    downy - 第五作品集『無題』

    八十八ヶ所巡礼 - 0088

    The Novembers - zeitgeist

    LEO今井 - Made from nothing

    Protest The Hero- Volition

    SEX-ANDROID - ギャクシンセサイザー! !

    Shilfee & Tulipcorobockles - The Right Are Each Other

    Shilfee & Tulipcorobockles - Kiri Rearrange E.P.

    実験台モルモット - 見開キ こころ❤断面図

    kamomekamome - BEDSIDE DONORS

    GalapagosS - Run like fury

    CHVRCHES - The Bones of What You Believe

    the unknown forecast - オークション

    Perfume - LEVEL3


    are the first ones that come to mind.

  4. Critters 2 - Campy, cheesy b-movie made during the high point of the Gremlins craze. Carnivorous space fluffballs terrorize a small American town and it's up to a young teen and a bunch of space bounty hunters to take them down.

    If you're into that typical '80s b-movie stuff you'll definitely at least be amused by this flick. Nothing highbrow here, just the type of stuff to watch with a couple of beers.

  5. ^ agreed, instrumentally they always seemed like they were sort of cool/interesting, but their vocalist sort of ruined it for me.


    Also kek @ people going 'visual kei is dead' again, their members will most definitely return in some shape or form to the VK scene and if they weren't completely pre-fabricated by some 3rd party they will probably still be able to bring some fresh things onto the table

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