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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    死ね死ね団 (Shine Shine Dan) These guys have been around since somewhere in the early 80s. They're definitely certified Punk Grandpas at this point. AFAIK they still occasionally perform live here and there, though it's been AGES since they've had an official release of any sort. Used to be signed to the infamous underground label Nagomu Records until it disintegrated. After that they've sporadically had a handful of releases here and there, mostly in the late '90s and 2000s, including a split album w/ hardcore punk legends QP-CRAZY. They're a punk band, but sound-wise I'd say that there's definitely crossover appeal for angura fans. Their sound at times has a similar vibe to that of bands like Kyokutou Girlfriend, Merry, 大日本意識革命軍狂暴 and such.
  2. Tokage

    MUSHAxKUSHA These guys have been around since like 1997 apparently (and they're still going!) but seem to have almost no presence overseas whatsoever. I discovered their Myspace by chance at some point in the late '00s and was actually surprised to find they're still around. Their main 'thing' is that they have a dude usually wearing shironuri makeup who's basically just there as a 'dancer' (apparently he's also the lyricist?). A lot of their songs feature keys in some variety and the music occasionally has this kind of 'japanesque' vibe to it.. Not in the sense of "[woodblock sfx] YOOOOO" but when you hear it you'll understand what I mean. Their last couple of releases are available on Bandcamp and some of their more recent videos come with English subtitles so it seems they're trying to reach out more to a western audience these days. Also @Jigsaw9: Droog vocalist's apparently in this band called Dudes now. Dunno if Droog disbanded somewhere down the line or whatever but yeah.
  3. Tokage

    I'll dump a bunch of bands across the rock/punk spectrum. Starting off with バックドロップシンデレラ. They've been around since at least 2006 or so. Their music's mostly pretty energetic rock w/ folk influences. Seems like the type of 'party' band that would do well at festivals. At times they kind of remind me of MERRY or some angura kei stuff. They've dropped at least 7 full-length albums, a cover album, 5 mini-albums, a greatest hits album and a handful of singles over their entire career so they're quite productive. I 've listened to pretty much everything spanning from their 3rd album up to their 7th one and pretty much enjoyed all of 'em to varying degrees. I do feel like some of their newer stuff feels a bit more generic than their older material, but they still manage to deliver some fun tunes Samples:
  4. Tokage

    the thinking man's CD purchasing take: VK musicians are mostly sleazy douchebags and it is in fact the people's moral duty as god-fearing citizens to pirate their music in order to teach the bandomen a valuable lesson about sharing things other than STDS with their fanbase.
  5. Tokage

    Wait, they've already been around that long? Shit, didn't know that lol As for gibkiy, I guess it depends on your perspective. The project technically started off w/ just Kazuma and aie under the moniker 'highfashionparalyze' somewhere around 2008 - 2010 or so, i don't remember when exactly. A couple years later they gained an official bassist and drummer and changed their band name to HIGH FASHION PARALYZE. To my knowledge they released at least 1 single under that moniker before rebranding themselves again, this time as gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy. That was somewhere in 2016. As far as I'm concerned the latter two are pretty much the same band. To my knowledge the lineup remained the same, and some of the songs they did while they were still called HIGH FASHION PARALYZE appeared on the first official album they released as gibkiy, so make of it what you will.
  6. Tokage

    KEEL, gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy, sukekiyo, Roman Kyuko, gulu gulu, Matsutake Works, Kalavinka, La'veil Mizeria, nurié and Xaa-Xaa are the only post-2010 projects that spring to mind immediately. I guess you could add DIMLIM to the list for me too but at this point I'm following them more for the ''I came here to laugh at you''-factor than anything. I'm still halfway aboard the Kizu train as well. Aside from these I pretty much only pay attention to oyaji bands that have been on the scene for over a decade already.
  7. For all the Versailles fans out there: ''Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet-''
  8. Had a dream in which coupling Noir Fleurir songs to passages from Eminem's Stan was the new big meme for some reason

  9. why hasn't @Seelentau ever publicly spilled this tea before?
  10. THE FORBIDDEN ONE for most of the sane Dir en grey fandom
  11. Tokage

    The first time around they had Theatre Brook, Balzac, Masami Tsuchiya, Michiro Endo, Kiyoharu and ABS among others, the previous time around they had cali gari, Polysics, MUCC, D'erlanger, Merry, AA=.. This time they have what, Der Zibet, 88kasyo, Diru and Shiina in terms of talent and that's it? fucking rip lol Considering that DEG played at that one hide tribute fest as well i'm pretty sure they'd probably partake in a hypothetical B-T fest too, tho that hide thing was over a decade ago
  12. Tokage

    If BT ends up having one of those ON PARADE festivals again to support the tribute album there's a pretty solid chance it might happen. As far as I remember quite a few of the bands performed their cover track live at the previous one at least
  13. Tokage

    this will probably still end up being the best cover on that abortion of a tribute album tbh i liked sukekiyo's take on gerbera more
  14. Tokage

    what they say in their ad: gaming company what they actually mean: gambling every single time
  15. Tokage

    Almost all of those happen to be among my fav tracks on their respective albums/in the band's entire discography. Damn 😕 Putting an extra hard F down in that case
  16. Tokage

  17. Tokage

    I haven't really been feeling most of their recent releases AT ALL but this still fucking sucks Hope they'll pull a cali gari and keep on trucking even in spite of the lineup change (or alternatively like @nekkichi said recruit sb who can give em some extra oomph)
  18. One Piece live action by Netflix.. this literally sounds like the worst idea for an adaptation  ever. what the fuck are they smoking?

    1. Wakarimashita


      Neither was Dragonball, but they did it. Sure, it was shit, but who knows... lol

    2. zombieparadise


      @Wakarimashita Case in point. May we never relive the anime holocaust that was DB Evolution.

    3. CAT5
    4. Show next comments  33 more
  19. Tokage

    Here u go
  20. why the hell are they selling DSS instead of Arche?
  21. It's either that we're getting less newer bands or people in the overseas scene are simply digging less deeply & not reporting on every single session band / new band that forms and disbands a week later anymore
  22. Tokage

    The PV's entire aesthetic reminds me of the Six/Nine era a lil bit. Song itself is fun too (as usual)
  23. isnt this 'personal best' stuff basically just 60% of their discography or what
  24. Tokage

    PVs/songs about abusive parents and/or TWISTEEEEED children trying to kill their parents in some way
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