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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    holy shit the disbandment train just doesn't stop today
  2. The racism angle is there if you show Japanese music to someone and they respond by going all ''wow this is so bad it's just ching chang chong xDDDD'' or some crap like that, though..
  3. Like everyone else has said so far, I definitely believe it's more of a language barrier thing in general, rather than pure racism towards Japanese. Play something that's not in English/the listener's native tongue and they'll usually respond with something like ''wow how can u like this if u cant even understand what they're saying!!!!''. If race ever DOES come up, in my case it's mostly been people treating all things Japanese as some sort of crazy novelty thing.
  4. Tokage

    Ant-Man: I'm honestly surprised they even decided to make a MCU adaptation for the Ant-Man character at all, considering how silly the concept actually is. He was never one of my fav heroes either, back when I still kept up with comics.. Still like him more than Thor, though. Fuck Thor. Anyway, the movie was entertaining for what it was, most of the actors did a good job (except for the kid, but hell, she's a kid). Shame about the absolute CGI overkill here, the CG ants especially, although some of the miniaturized Ant-Man sequences did look pretty cool, to be fair. I still wonder what the movie would've been like had Edgar Wright directed it..
  5. Tokage

    when people say white people cant dance
  6. Tokage

    Blade Runner: What can be said about this one that hasn't already been said by others? Movie holds up very, VERY well visually. I love the atmosphere, the style, everything. Plot-wise, I do think I prefer PKD's original novel though, but I might be biased since the man is one of my favorite authors.. Fehér Isten (White God): Great Hungarian movie, it sort of ends up like a ''Rise of the Planet of the Apes'' but with dogs at some point. Well shot, well acted, definitely deserved all the awards it won. Highly recommended.. Not for people who can't stand seeing violence against animals, though. Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Somehow felt the inexplicable urge to watch a superhero film, so I decided to download this one and give it a try. Although I'm kind of getting tired of this overkill of superhero movies hitting the theater lately, I was pleasantly surprised by this one. No CGI overkill here, though what was there looked good IMO. Nice performances from all involved.. Ah, and Scarjo's always nice eye candy.
  7. Tokage

    i-it's because of downloading guys, we swear!
  8. Yep, that sounds like a Plastic Tree song alright..
  9. But this time it's gonna be FAST!!!! (i do hope that doesn't mean we'll be getting another Agitated Screams of Maggots or something like that tho tbqh)
  10. that's a pretty long setlist, damn
  11. Fluent in English and Dutch. Also able to understand/speak Estonian andHungarian to some basic degree. I studied French and German in high school so I guess there should still be some latent knowledge floating about
  12. tfw i cant get the samples to play for some reason.... piss
  13. I still think it's really fucked up for Kiryu that only 5 people went to their last Budokan concert and they also insisted on standing as far away from the stage as possible
  14. Tokage

    Hope it's more than just a 2 track single this time
  15. Tokage

    Still on that SNES emulator shit, currently playing through Demon's Crest. Goddamn, does that game have some fantastic sprite graphics. Love 'em.
  16. Tokage

    Yeah, okay, true enough. Still, though. It's been like, what, five years? Six years? Since the game first got announced, and from what I understood the only thing they've basically finished so far are polygon models..
  17. Tokage

    So apparently they canceled/paused the development of Tekken x Street Fighter... Damn. The reason they gave for pausing activities sounds like total bullshit too. This is the reason Harada gives:
  18. Tokage

    Some people are late bloomers : ^ )
  19. Tokage

    Don't mention early Dead End, Morrie was still going through puberty back then
  20. Tokage

    Pontypool: YEAH! Finally a spin on the zombie genre that feels fresh again. I really liked the concept of the virus being transmitted through words. Most of the action takes place inside a radio station, but despite that it never really gets boring. Really enjoyed this one. Apparently it's based on a book, so I guess I'll have to look into that some more as well...
  21. Tokage

    Yeah, basically what I thought. I can't really imagine someone who makes bleep bloop music to seriously be all ''KILL ALL WHITE PEOPLE'' tbh
  22. im diggin it but also im confused cuz that 2nd sample sounds familiar to me and idk why
  23. Tokage

    Downloaded both seasons of Space Dandy today, I'll check it out, and afterwards I'll finally get started with Stardust Crusaders' anime adaptation (either that, or skip straight ahead to Diamond is Unbreakable, since that's my favorite Jojo part...)
  24. Tokage

    Housebound: Funny little horror movie from New Zealand. Honestly couldn't tell what age the female lead was supposed to be exactly, but whatever. Had some funny moments here and there, some nice twists, actual practical effects for the most part (from what I could tell at least...), all good. Nothing revolutionary by a long shot, but it's got charm. Also, that one guy REALLY reminded me of a Kiwi version of Bill Murray for some reason..
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