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Everything posted by bakteeri

  1. Buuuuuuuuuullshit. That's the most common argument about VK. "oh boohoo they only care about their looks baww". And that's the crappiest argument too. I was gonna make a long post, but bonsai already said pretty much all I wanted to say. All genres, I repeat, every fucking genre in the world ARE about looks. You really think VK bands look pretty because they want money? Hah. Do you really think most of them are really earning shit? No. It would be so much easier to make money if they looked normal. Anyone who thinks VK is about money, is an idiot. Sure, it is for the labels, obviously, but the musicians aren't really getting anything out of it. Except a shitload of fun. Labels market it for teenage girls, but it's not stopping bands from doing excellent music. Gazette is a proof of that. Despite the fact that PSC is a total fangirl-driven hellhole and half of Gazette's stuff is utter crap, the rest of their stuff is one of the greatest music that has come from the land Nippon. Pointless bashing of VK is just as retarded as fapping to pretty transvestites. The last part of your post is true, but who the hell cares? Every genre has their fangirls who only care about the looks or style. Like anyone actually likes the "music" most rappers do today.
  2. bakteeri

    Codomo A wasn't manufactured by UNDER CODE though. They were a band before they were on the label. I don't consider them an UNDER CODE band anyways, at least not anymore, since Eiji hates Kisaki and probably wouldn't admit they were nowadays anyways XD Since when did Eiji hate Kisaki? You got some proof or is that something you wanna believe in because you hate Kisaki?
  3. bakteeri

    Codomo A was unique. Not that they changed anything. Though, no one has changed the scene for like a decade, for that matter.
  4. bakteeri

    Yes I believe you want to but when you're in UCP that's not going to happen lol. Like it matters what label they're on. A PSC band is going to be at Tokyo Dome. Anything could happen. Buuuuuuuuuut I this is gonna be over in six months.
  5. bakteeri

    Let it be Cell, let it be Cell. And while we're praising him, is this Cell or just a fan who happens to wear his mask?
  6. bakteeri

    Sounds good. I'm starting to like these guys again. Seems like changing to Free Will was a great decision.
  7. Yes, there is. Ok, just my opinion, but it's really hard for me to respect musicians who do half-arsed basslines. And in this kind of music as Gazette, those are definitely needed. And honestly, some of Slayer could use better basslines too. Not saying that lacking basslines turns a good song bad, it's just that good basslines makes it a hell of a lot better. And I wouldn't say Reita fails completely. 泣ヶ原 and 白?優鬱 has some pretty sweet basswork.
  8. All of those bands bonsai mentioned would be so much more interesting if their bassist would bother to do something. Except Slipknot. They're so much shit that nothing could save them. And Toshiya is a great bassist and is almost constantly doing something different from the guitars, so Dir en grey doesn't even belong to that list. Good basslines can be fit in pretty much every kind of music. There's a lot of Thrash metal bands whose bassists own (liek Watchtower), and they fit perfectly. Some are just not as talented as the others.
  9. bakteeri

    Maybe I was overexxaggerating a bit. But still, Japan has the best rock bands I've heard. Never been much of a fand of Galneryus. Too much showing off, not enough melodies. The ending of the song was the best part when it slowed down and there was actually something worth listening to.
  10. Correction; that's usually what shitty bass-players do. Concept of bands who fail at heavy music. Or just music overall. Listen to Siva. That's how basslines should be composed. I agree that Reita is pretty lame, but he wasn't that bad on some songs of DIM. Mostly he is pretty crappy though.
  11. I love it. Better than Shiver. Shiver was a pretty solid (lol) song, but this is something you can actually call really good. I agree that it's a bit repetive, but those melodies are so catchy that it would be a crime to not repeat them. Verse, pre-chorus, chorus, all just sounded like they could've been the highlight of the song. This even beats some of DIM. Though, mostly not. But this is waaay more better than anything on Shiver. And I don't even want to compare this to BID. The PV looks really cool too. I like the painty/cartoonish look. I hope Pledge is a soft ballad. No moar heavy songs, you guys did that for over three years already. It's time for badass rock.
  12. bakteeri

    ^ Agreed on Hi no Hikari. Best Miyavi song ever. And I'm glad to see Super Hero there. It's really chill, puts shivers down my spine. Good thing he's re-recording Survive too.
  13. bakteeri

    Lol, you guys actually expected something "new" from a best of album? When did you discover music scene, yesterday?
  14. Ah, okay. I guess it'll be on youtube pretty quickly.
  15. Waaaaait, full song? Where?
  16. bakteeri

    That's pretty close, gotta say. But it's still missing those melodies that sound like they were written in 1600 or something. You know those that sound like Bach done metal. It's a huge part in their music and I think that's the main thing that makes them stand out. Oh, and people talked about Versailles fans. Everytime they have been in Finland, there has been a huge load of regular metalheads there. People do appreciate them for their music. Shallow fangirls are a minority. Edit: Listening to Agadio - Vamphyri. I'm surprised. I was expecting pointless shredding and sweeping, but they actually had melodies there. The solo in the end was sweeeet. Might check out more of their stuff.
  17. bakteeri

    Lol, is it Japan or America you're talking about? Europe has the best music, hands down. America hasn't really had any epic bands since the 90's. Most is just commercialized crap. With a few exceptions. Most of Japanese music is crap too, but when they're good, they're really fucking good. Honestly, I don't know any other band that does romantic classical mixed with metal. Sure, there's a shitload of Symphonic Metal bands, but none of them really sound like Versailles. Similar, but still not even close. Feel free to prove me wrong. To stay on topic; 99% of heavy VK bands. Oh god, I'm gonna puke if I hear another new Slipknot-wannabe that consists of nothing but B-tuned guitars with ridiculously simple riffs. There's so many of them, most of them are fucking terrible and their songs doesn't require any talent. Yet people fap at them because THEY HAS GRUWLS AND LIKE HEAVY GITARSSS! You guys should listen to european metal, because honestly, most of japanese metal sucks. Especially when they dress up like a bunch of faggots. Japan should just focus on producing awesome rock bands, because they own every fucking country at that. But please, stay out of metal. Unless you're Anchang or something.
  18. bakteeri

    Better and more memorable than anything RES ever did.
  19. I really like it. So far, I think it's gonna be better than Shiver. It's one of those cool songs that makes you just wanna grab a guitar and play. And I agree with Shaneth, Before I Decay was bullshit.
  20. bakteeri

    Don't take it so literally. All the songs had pretty much the same progression, all were heavy and had exactly the same style, similar riffs, similar tempos etc. Sure, they're all "different" songs. But in style, there was no variation what so ever. Just boring and unispired re-inventing. Some just done better than the others. Breath Trees was the only song that stood out. And maybe the first song too. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the new album. I hope it has many awesome ballads. And maybe some new ideas for fast songs.
  21. Lol, the PV looks nothing like Shiver. The song is very similar though, but I'm not gonna judge it with a 20 fucking second preview. Atleast they're not doing crap like Agony again. And what the hell is with their looks? That's like turning back to Disorder in just a blink of an eye. They slowly went to almost non-VK and then bang, they look like a bunch of drags again. Not that I care though. Ruki looks pretty awzum. Edit: Gotta say that the chorus is very addicting. And Shiver was awesome too. I don't give a shit about people crying "oh boohoo, they're not DIM anymore". I don't think they're getting dark again for a few years, so we'll see you guys then. Listen to -OZ- or some other uninspired stuff while you're waiting.
  22. Because everything different is Lagy Gaga now. Ugh, she's not really that different from the pop singers of 60-80. She's "different" because no one has really done that for 30 years. The covers looks like any cover art of a Glam Rock band or something.
  23. bakteeri

    Wow, so with your awesome observation (soft - heavy - heavy/soft), you came to the conclusion that PSC controls everything they do? Awesome. What about the other singles that doesn't fit your theory? Can't wait to hear more!And Shiver is techically way more superior to the rest of the single. Playability wise.
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