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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. #freethestallion

  2. As far as I know, they never went away. People just sorta stopped caring about them completely after a year or so, so their 20 CDs or w/e when they started making children's music never got shared.
  3. Art-kei isn't dead.
  4. Oh derp, I didn't even notice that XD In that case, I'm a whole lot more excited then
  5. Yay for more stuff we'll never see... just like the million other jinsei CDs XD
  6. Biopanda

    I request a theme of twerkin' videos
  7. Biopanda

    I don't think the term "oshare kei" is really used all that often in Japan... at least I've almost never seen any bands describe themselves as that. Here's a small japanese-sourced blurb about it though http://vkeiyougo.com/page/o/96.html
  8. Biopanda

    I think the way it was last time was that at least 1(?) of the 3 songs had to be Japanese in origin, but I guess you can find something full of engrish :'D
  9. Biopanda

    I didn't think it was terrible, but they seemed to be a bit off on some of their info. Like the fact that oshare was something that only appeared in the mid-2000s, when it was pretty much just a natural progression of white-kei from the 90s(and multiple 90s VK bands out oshare'd most oshare bands XD). Other than that, the fan-service thing was a bit odd. They seemed to be talking about it as something new, while fanservice has ALWAYS been a part of VK down to its early roots.
  10. Biopanda

    woop! gonna play all that hippityhop *puts together queue of booty songs* Also does Garap count?
  11. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Somehow it got marked on our system as "hold for bulk shipping", even though shipping was paid for. I'm terribly sorry for the mix-up. I'll toss in a free CD and get your order out in the mail on Monday. Again, I'm terribly sorry for this mistake.
  12. Why are starwave PVs always so blue? Are they filmed underwater? Fish-kei best-kei.

    1. PsychoΔelica
    2. MaikoMizu


      Now this makes me wonder why lix's videos were filmed in black and white

    3. Show next comments  132 more
  13. Biopanda

    The only thing you have to worry about with Tenso is that they charge a package combining fee. I often use them to order from PureSound because it lets me buy things straight from the store and not have to deal with waiting on emails or w/e. Last time I made a PS order though, the items were split between the Osaka and Tokyo PS shops, so they arrived at Tenso's warehouse as two packages. My options at that point were either to ship the two packages separately to myself or pay a 500 yen package combining fee x_x
  14. Other things are finally out of the way now for the moment, so we're working on packing up orders and sending out shipping invoices in the order that payments were received. Hopefully that means you'll be getting your invoices soon :'3
  15. Biopanda

    I would like to embarrass myself under a pseudonym thx <3
  16. Biopanda

    I thought that was a can of easy cheese in the back

    1. paradoxal



  18. Sorry everyone for the delays in sending out shipping quotes for the RarezHut livestream orders. Some really huge things came up, so I'm having to split my time, but rest assured that they ARE being worked on. Packing up 300+ CDs takes a lot of time ;w;

  19. Zen <33333 Please tell me they won't end up being a comedy band like late-stage otoga-dead ;w;
  20. As an oppressed heteronormative, white cis-male...
  21. Biopanda

    We usually start around 8 PM GMT(noon for you, I think?) on Sundays. You can check the thread here for extra info and to see if there's any planned theme. Otherwise, there's always status updates about the plug sessions while they're happening.
  22. Biopanda

    Nice to meetcha(again!). Had a good time pluggin with ya... hopefully you'll join us for our weekly sunday sessions as well XD
  23. Biopanda

    Legolas, ofc. That way it matches up with my DEGxLOTR fanfic: Kyo's Elf Love.
  24. This is going to be the last livestream for a while, so after we finish taking care of orders from this round of streams, then we'll be solely focusing on updating the site. I would expect the next site update to probably be out sometime near the end of the month.
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