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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    I pooped myself a little bit
  2. Sony conference: fucking dead.

  3. As mentioned, due to the large amount of orders, we only ripped cassettes and VHS tapes then packed up the orders. We've been working on editing and encoding the rips over the past few days, so they should be ready to upload soon.
  4. Where's all the nintendo world championship hype? Watching The Wizard on repeat all day until showtime.

  5. Seems like Val jumped the gun there a bit, but NOW all of the shipping invoices are out. As far as the rips go, I've been talking with a friend of mine and as of later today, I'll be borrowing his Mac Pro to use for editing the VHS rips. As I've got 21 videos yet to edit and encode, this should speed up the process by a ton. He said I can use it during future livestreams as well, so the quality of the streams should be WAY better(I'll actually be able to broadcast over 480p!).
  6. Totally my fault there. I had told Val that your package was ready, as it was all sealed up and in the stack to have invoices sent. It was only right before the invoices were sent that I saw that Val had sold you some CDs from the store which she had forgotten to add to the sales software(which I use as a list when packing). I'm in the process of opening your package and repacking things with all of the proper items now. Terribly sorry again for the mixup x_x
  7. All of the orders are packed up now and just need to be weighed, so we'll be sending the remaining invoices within the next hour.
  8. Biopanda

    I think the answer was "3 or 4".
  9. For most orders, the rips will be sent to your email(assuming you didn't order a bunch of VHS tapes). Honestly, I'm just trying to go through orders as fast as I can at the moment which means that I'm just ripping the VHS and cassettes, but not taking the time to edit and encode them at the moment. Once all of the shipping invoices are out, then I'm going to go through and edit everything then send the rips to the buyers.
  10. I don't think that's possible XD Joking aside, that actually kinda is the case. The only way that we're able to offer things at such cheap prices while still making some profit is due to the fact that we buy and ship in such large quantities. I think in the future, a band list beforehand would definitely be doable so that shouldn't be a problem.
  11. That's actually a rather good idea. I think we might have to try that next time... thanks!
  12. Biopanda

    Watching the other PVs on that youtoob channel and sometimes I wish Kera was my grandfather. He'd be like the best grandpa ever.
  13. Biopanda

    Oh wow that was just fucking amazing *_* Waiting soooo hard for that new mini!
  14. How long to run the streams and how many items to show has always been an issue. For the last stream, we tried to cut down on that by going through the box first and taking out items that we didn't think would sell(I think there was about 100 or so removed). The time thing was a problem as well, as we wanted to make it long enough that it was physically possible without being TOO exhausting, but also keeping the total days for the stream to a minimum. We could have shortened the streams to 4 hours a day or so, but that would have required us to stream every weekend for 4 weeks or so and that would have added even more of a wait for most people. As far as cutting down the total items, that's really just dependent on how much we buy from Japan. As this last order was so huge, we were left with 500-600 items that we thought were worthwhile to show on the stream and had a good chance of selling(and apparently we picked our items a little TOO well given how many actually sold). The audience seems to be really divided as to the stream lengths as well. There have definitely been some people like yourself who find them way too long, while at the same time we've had others tell us that they loved them and wished we would have gone even longer or streamed more often. It's a really tricky thing to handle with such opinions on both sides, but we aim to at least make it a smoother experience in the future. We were a bit hasty to get everything ready to stream last time, but in the future we'll be doing all of the ripping and case replacements beforehand so that the only thing that needs to be done after the streams is to toss the items in a box and send out the quotes. Edit: The list thing as well is a possibility, but I'm not really sure how much it would help. If you were to know that something you wanted would be sold, it still wouldn't help you know which day to be there for or even what time. There's also the element of surprise that would be lost some, I guess. If people knew exactly what was in there beforehand, then there wouldn't be any "Holy shit!! You're selling that?!?" reactions to when we pull out rare things. At least personally, I find that to be some of the appeal with the streams as you never know what to expect and can be surprised. Having a place for each person to put their items is definitely something that's going to be looked at in the future, though space is still a concern. We had about 40 different buyers during the last stream, so finding a place in the apartment where I could have 40 different stacks without having to walk across the room after each item sells would be a problem. With the last stream, we've been placing the sold items separately from the unsold items at least, so the sorting is a bit quicker and less painful than it was during the first stream when we weren't doing that.
  15. There are plenty of users here who attend gigs XD Nobody makes bootlegs because they're scared of the piece of paper hastily taped to the wall that says "no recording" and acts as the only line of defense to stop people from doing so :'3
  16. Oh wow okay... let me take this one thing at a time here and try to address everyone's concerns. First and foremost, we would like to apologize for the way that things from this stream was handled. As was mentioned a few times(but maybe not publicly?), right after the stream finished, some huge things came up life-wise. A friend of ours was getting kicked out of their apartment and we had agreed to let him stay here for a while, but doing so required us to literally rearrange the whole apartment. This was on top of Val starting her new job, so to say the least, our free time was stretched REALLY thin. We tried to get as many orders ready as we could within the free time that we had, but it wasn't nearly enough. Now we're not going to blame this all on external issues, of course. The way this stream was done wasn't handled very properly and we suppose that deserves to be explained. For each CD that sells, we make a rip first so that if there are any issues with the CDs, as most are used, then we could contact the buyer and arrange for a refund. We greatly underestimated the response that this last stream would garner and there ended up being nearly 400 items sold. That's 400 items to rip, replace cases where needed and pack up... let alone the vast amount of time that is added when ripping and encoding cassettes/VHS are thrown into the mix. All of that on top of running out of shipping supplies and needing to reorder at the last minute has made this whole thing a nightmare for everyone involved. That being said, many of the things that were taking up our time have been dealt with now, so we can dedicate all of our free time to taking care of the remaining orders. As it stands right now: there are 12 packages ready to go, so a large majority of the shipping quotes will be sent out today. We'll continue working on the remaining orders after that, so the rest of the invoices should be sent out by tomorrow or the day after at the latest. Again: we deeply regret all of the issues that have come about with the recent stream. If we do another stream in the future, the whole thing will be restructured so that all of the work is done before the stream and the items are ready to pack up immediately afterwards.
  17. I pay $160(142€) a month for a 1200 ft²(111m²) 2-bedroom apartment in a decent area. Eat it chumps :v
  18. Kate <3 I was wondering when he was going to do something new... I'm glad it's really good!
  19. Wonder who that white guy is on the right :v hi messenger
  20. Biopanda

    When in doubt: League of Legends
  21. Biopanda


    1. nekkichi



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