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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    Why is it so hard to forget? It's been over half a year now, though it feels both like an eternity and like no time has passed at all. That's a half a year of trying to prove to myself that I'm worth other people's time. That's half a year of failing to do so. I put on my mask back then and smiled... everything was okay, I said. I've worn this mask so long that sometimes I'm not even sure what is underneath, and honestly I'm not sure if I want to find out. So I roll out of bed after a night of staring at the ceiling and slip on my mask, ready to smile for the world. Everyone loves that, right? Happy-go-lucky panda being a lush on cam, laughing and saying stupid shit. That's what people truly want.
  2. So like... I made a new RarezHut update. Check it, bruhs: http://rarezhut.net/752015
  3. The only thing I know about "Cool Japan" was that they had some raffle thing last year where they were giving away a ton of vacations to Japan... which was subsequently cancelled. Whoops :v
  4. Uh oh... they're turning back into smurfs!
  5. Fucking FromJapan. I'm just about DONE with them. They can't add FedEx shipping to my order because of vague, unspecified reasons. Now I'm having to come up with an additional $300 to cover the differences in shipping costs x_x

    1. Biopanda


      Well, first off they split it into two separate shipments(even though there are less items and less weight than my previous package). Then they told me that they couldn't add FedEx shipping on either of them because there were too many items and it would be too much of a hassle(one of the two packages only had like... 50 items?). It just doesn't make any sense at all, especially taking into account that my last shipment from them had nearly 600 items and weighed about 68 kg.

    2. hyura


      That sucks! :o

      And it's kinda strange. I had FJ shipments containing more than 50 items more than once before and fedex was always fine. Although they usually weighed less than me :'D

      Scared because fedex is really the only way I can get stuff without having to deal with ridiculous custom practices.

    3. Show next comments  126 more
  6. I've started sending out some of the rips that are finished. The mac pro that I was borrowing to edit/encode with wasn't available for me to use for a while, so only recently have I been able to get back to working on that.
  7. Biopanda

    Still super disappointed that they decided to make a PV for my favorite song... and the one that made me fall in love with the band when I first saw them live, but decide to make it live-distro'd which means it probably won't be on their youtube or possibly ever show up
  8. Biopanda

    And image too. Just let that scene play out in your mind's eye...
  9. Biopanda

    Hoooooly shit. What a whiny little baby. He thinks that everyone who listened to his ~*~Super Special Beautiful Masterpiece~*~ and wasn't at the live should get fined? He can seriously go climb a wall of dicks.... that's the shittiest fucking attitude I've ever seen directed towards a band's fans.
  10. Bad dreams suck ;/ I'm still in a funk from the one I had last night. How come the dreams you remember are never the good ones?

  11. Biopanda

    At least we can still listen to DANGER GANG They haven't changed a damn bit since they started (and that's a good thing imo) XD
  12. Biopanda

    You can get in for a month for free, at least Either Val or I can get you a 30 day trial code if you wanna give it a swing.
  13. Biopanda

    Come join the MH Free Company on FFXIV ya poofs!
  14. https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven PLUG PLUG PLUG PLGU PLOOG PLAG FLUG
  15. Biopanda

    Lycaon, right? :V
  16. Biopanda

    fuvked up if tru
  17. The yearner, holding my waifu bodypillow #5everalone
  18. Biopanda

    i crai evry tiem
  19. Biopanda

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