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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    Ahh, good point! So just become a Kenyan and you won't need any running gear at all!
  2. Biopanda

    Did... did you grow a second penis on your forehead? Cus that'd be hell. Like... which one would you pee from? It'd be really awkward
  3. Biopanda

    I want to pick up running too, but I don't want to pick up getting shot
  4. Biopanda

    This is kind of a hard topic for me to say, either way. Lately I've been feeling some disconnect from the scene, but more on the side of the fans than the actual music. For quite some time, I felt like I was pretty "in-tune" with a majority of the fans and that we'd agree on many opinions about bands. Lately though, it seems like so many bands that everyone would have been "meh" about, they're gushing over instead and it just leaves me wondering why. Obviously people will like what they like, of course, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that I'm just in some sort of lull at the moment, since I really do appreciate the scene... I mean I've been part of it for over 12 years now, which is definitely long enough to say that it's had a HUGE lasting impact on my life(for better or worse lol). I think in general for me, I just get "exhausted" with music sometimes. Having to rip 300+ CDs a month for my store can get so exhausting sometimes that I find myself just sitting in silence more often than not. I think that sometimes people need to step away from the scene for a little while and kinda... decompress and go back into it with a fresh point of view, since being surrounded constantly by so many mediocre bands can sort of overwhelm you and mask all of the great bands that still exist.
  5. I feel a lot lately like I've been falling out of touch with current VK fans as they gush over stuff that's just "meh" at best. I'm finally becoming a grumpy old man :'(

    1. togz


      I feel this...

    2. Biopanda


      Let's be grumpy old men together :'(

    3. YuyoDrift


      Nah it's just that your tastes are finally leaning towards sounds that YOU want. I guess you can associate that with age.

      As long as you feel something for KEEL, then we're cool.

  6. I think it can be used to pretty good effect in electronic music(hearing a band like FLOPPY without it would just be kinda... weird). Outside of that, I think it really depends on the vocalist using it. If the singer is trying to (badly) cover up the fact that they sound like a dying goat, then I could certainly do without it. It seems recently like autotune has been a replacement for vocal talent which is a total bummer for the scene :<
  7. Biopanda

    Glad to see that Hisato finally invited jrockdrama to be in a PV with him!
  8. Having to learn so much in so little time for an important programming project. Javscript, PHP, Pusher API... kill me <3

    1. Biopanda


      Oh and we can't forget MYSQL(I'm coming from Oracle SQL, so it's not TOO wildly different at least)

    2. Valicious
  9. Biopanda

    You didn't even return the favor? How rude.
  10. Thanks adblock for letting me block the silly li'l bat images, now I can browse in peace :'3

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Doesn't work for me :/

    2. Biopanda


      Had to click on adblock and "block an ad on this page" and then catch one of the li'l bats which was surprisingly hard

    3. yakihiko


      If you had a pokeball would be easier.

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  11. Biopanda

    RIP youtubes, guess we all just move to niconicodouga now?
  12. Biopanda

    No Gaze channel? Anyone wanna take bets on how long until tumblr absolutely explodes in vitriol over this?
  13. Hmm... doesn't look like I'm on the list, but my group says I'm staff. This poll is rigged :<
  14. Biopanda

  15. Biopanda

    I, for one, am waiting on the edge of my seat for the feature-length Jenna Marbles movie.
  16. Biopanda

    It's very much true. Of the 20+ concerts I went to while I was there, at all but maybe 3 of them I was the only guy in the audience :x
  17. Biopanda

    Kinda surprised to see how much love there is for Paradeis in this thread. Maybe I'm just misremembering, but I seem to recall that Paradeis was one of the most hated VK bands among foreigners back when they were around and I'd maybe only seen 1-2 people who liked them ?_?
  18. some time i wonder if i

  19. Biopanda

    Totally down for this catcore.
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