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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. 5 new tracks? That's more than I thought there'd be, so I'm even more excited <3 Also super thrilled that they're doing another version of my fave JM song 小さな虫 <33
  2. Got drunk alone in my bedroom and watched The Wizard. Birthday: Complete.

    1. bonsaijodelfisch



  3. So entertaining to see people get so irrationally angry after Felicia Day was confirmed for the new MST3K. So many butthurt gaymergater tears :')

  4. Biopanda

    I want snoo
  5. woo! it's my birthday! time to drink alone! <3

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Nyappy Pandaday ^w^

    2. freesia


      Happy birthday!! May your wishes come true!

    3. Erin


      happy rareday

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  6. Been up all night reading depressing manga. Gotta wake up in 45 minutes :|

  7. Biopanda

    Just got around to watching the PV now and wow... it's nice to hear a band that captures pretty well the feeling that lighter VK bands of the mid-2000s gave off <3
  8. How the heck did I not hear that Shiva just reformed as FALUNN? Just ordered their first single <33

  9. How do they decide which fan gets to buy the single luckybag? Do they have them all fight to the death and the winner gets to give kisaki their money?
  10. Could I go ahead and snag Dieu;Aile - Limbes 5€ Me-dousa - Fato è Duol 5€ PlatinA Forest - letter Ⅱ 5€ RESEARCH - RESEARCH 5€ Virtue - 20000707 5€ and if whoever is reserving ROZARY - Promotion free demo 2 falls through, then lemme know ;3
  11. Biopanda

    ...and they were all only one day from retirement. How tragic
  12. Biopanda

    D'aww. Was it still good? XD I need to get another box or 10 of that stuff for myself soon.
  13. Biopanda

    Hey kiddo, welcome back o/
  14. Biopanda

    eyy shout out to my nahkahomot itt
  15. Yoshiiiiiiiii~ I need this in my life <3
  16. Biopanda

    Jealous. I wanna be able to wear my cute winter coat finally
  17. Biopanda

    Hum.... well that was unexpected. They had quite a good run, at least.
  18. Biopanda

    Then I'd have the police trying to shoot me too
  19. Biopanda

    01 COMPLETION :'3 I love them cus nobody know about them. They were really popular back in the day(mid 90s-2003), hosting tons of events, showing up often in indies VK magazines and having a decently popular cast of bands. After they dissolved though, it seems like any trace of them was completely wiped away. A google search for them will net you MAYBE enough relevant links that you could count on one hand if you're lucky. I've had to piece together most of what I could from random old magazine articles and mail-order catalogs included with their releases, but there's still a TON of info that's left unknown about them. It just absolutely blows my mind that a whole label that was still active just a bit over a decade ago could completely disappear like they did.
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