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Everything posted by Seiji

  1. Seiji

    nooooo ;___;
  2. Seiji

    looking forward to more information! hopefully I've got my flat until the contest will take part
  3. Seiji

    This is something that needs to be added: 98bUgrI3Mbk
  4. I left kyuuKe as I didn't get along with one of the members anymore~ Due to that we/they disbanded ... I could give you no t.w.i.s.t.e.r. for free (maybe upload it or sth) The songs I've written for kyuuke will be found in my new project as soon as I've got one xD
  5. ^this, but looking forward to those: R指定 - ゆらめき (DIR EN GREY) OZ - 白い闇 (Rouage) ギルド - グレイシャルLOVE (SIAM SHADE) ケミカルピクチャーズ - JAM (THE YELLOW MONKEY) 9GOATS BLACK OUT - スピード (BUCK-TICK) メガマソ - ROCKET DIVE (hide with Spread Beaver) Moran - ILLUMINATI (MALICE MIZER)
  6. Seiji

    Yeah finally! Can't wait
  7. Seiji

    Pretty cool Hope Seth will do well Wehre and when? Is there any material of it?
  8. Seiji

    Thank you for this early review! I'm really excited about how it will sound
  9. Seiji

    Okay thanks to champ changing my name I'm now able to use mh on my HTC desire I still haven't found a flat and living at my grandma's atm where I haven't got access to the internet. As soon as I've found a flat and stuff I'll be more active again ^^
  10. Seiji

    ^This plus the object he hit his head on is going to die
  11. Seiji

    Finally a new haircut! Got rid of that annoying blonde
  12. oh yes, I love them! of course Full's voice is unique^^ But I really like to sing their songs because range is similar to mine, so I haven't got any problems to sing them. I'm glad you liked the others though xD
  13. Just finished another Guniw Tools cover =) q5oYjYEq0xs
  14. So there is this one thing bothering me every time when going into the forum's lyrics section: There is a request subforum, but requests still get posted right into the main lyrics forum. I'd love to see this more separated. Not sure how exactly you could do it, but maybe with a subforum for posting lyrics next to the one for requests?
  15. Thank you ^^ I've already started taking vocal lessons, I think you can hear a difference to my old covers, but imo "It's usual" is not the best song for showing it - too much playing around with the voice, but also much fun to sing xD
  16. Seiji

    wow didn't know that they're already that far with their career
  17. Seiji

    wow, didn't expect this to happen I hope they'll continue with making that kind of music. Normally it's not my genre, but their songs are kinda....mind-blowing
  18. exactly my thoughts. It's so random that it kinda made my day
  19. THE SOUND BEE HD Mini Album [Hana] April 23, 2011: available for pre-sale at live venues June 1, 2011: on sale in stores Disc number: SWSB-3 Label: Starwave Records Distribution: Daiki Sound, Tainted Reality, CD baby, Code 7 Price: 2,100 (tax in) Limit 1000 copies Specs: 6 page booklet Playlist: 01. Utage 02. Hana 03. Michibiki 04. Sakuran 05. Sho 06. Eien source: http://www.facebook.com/kiwamu.kai E: Just realized that I failed at posting something NEW D: sorry for that :\
  20. hmmm didn't like the preview that much as it doesn't really show anything I didn't expect. I mean it was obvious that a part like this would be in the song. Still looking forward to it though....kinda
  21. Seiji

    pretty psychic looking forward to it though
  22. Seiji

    seems so Tsubaki_8eit also is at 2400
  23. Seiji

    anyone seen that there is no 12th track in that tracklist?
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