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Everything posted by Seiji

  1. Seiji

    Oh, yeah, Trombe just told me Name changes can be confusing :x
  2. Seiji

    Kind of disappointed ... hoped that it would be as epic as aim - anyone knows where Schwarz is now?
  3. Seiji

    ^guessing 34
  4. Seiji

    I would add FULL of Shilfee and Tulipcorobockles and his 3498374 other projects to the list - actually he has got a pretty deep voice but tends to sing high http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzm0md6KmZw
  5. thanks for the feedback - funny thing is that actually I sing pretty loudly (depending on what song I'm singing of course) singing more loudly would be more screaming and less singing => less control over my singing. and about the mixing thing - I totally suck at it
  6. New cover online! This time something non-Japanese wuFHaY3UP54 Feedback is highly appreciated
  7. Seiji

    more recent image of me~ I miss my colorful hair D:
  8. Seiji

    So I tried this out with not having too big expectations - I never have with solo projects ...still I've got disappointed. The only highlight for me was doll - the other songs were just generic or just plain awful. I kind of like the clean vocals in some of the songs though. The "shouts" on the other hand...are really old school-ish but in a bad way .. at first I wanted to do a track by track review but I decided not to do that because it would become too negative. 4.5/10 though for the few creative tries on some songs. But in the end... he tried too hard...
  9. Seiji

    Oh my god, saw the name of the thread and knew what's coming... I'm at the forums too often ..
  10. Seiji

    bought a cherry coke....which actually tastes like wood -.- and there was some old guy shouting at me after I wanted to let him pass - couldn't understand him though as his German was that bad....
  11. Seiji

    just wanted to say sth like "wow, they played [...]" and then I realized that I would have to count every song they've played too bad I won't be able to get that DVD ._. still totally need it ._.
  12. wow, sounds much better than I expected when clicking on it. Looking forward to the album.
  13. ...I think i've got to change my pants now that's so awesome! E: totally missed that news back then - hope there will be some news about it soon
  14. Seiji

    I still remember the day when I got NIWLUN and listened to it. It was like approaching another world - loved the unique songs and still do! I also like their other releases, but NIWLUN is my favorite.
  15. Seiji

    Luna Sea - Genesis of Mind
  16. Seiji

    Show Me The Skyline – My Getaway Generic emo-ish pop-rock-song thing ... really, I can't say much more than that it's generic ... oh and the singer is kinda annoying - so are the lyrics ... imo: crap
  17. GUNIW TOOLS LUNA SEA JILS Syndrome DISSATISFIED Dir en grey MAD FRET B'z Girugamesh DEATHGAZE Aldious Strawberry Song Orchestra
  18. For me it totally depends on the type of music whether the lyrics are important or not. Actually it's most important for me in ballads - I don't care so much about metal lyrics (except for Melodic Death Metal) - most Power Metal songs have got similar lyrics - all that fighting and power and swords and steel - srsly I don't care When it comes to ballads the lyrics have to reach me. I'm not pleased with some "hey, I love so, so I've written that song" - lyrics, those have to be covered up with metaphors. The best lyrics are those where you get the real meaning after thinking about it... or those which are using really cute metaphors xD When it comes to japanese songs I don't care that much about the lyrics - it may sound strange, but, for me, most of the songs are "instrumental songs" in the beginning - if I really like a song I'll try to understand the lyrics and - as my japanese is really bad - fail at it After that I look up translations for the songs. They don't really influence my point of view concerning the song, it just changes the way I understand the songs and how I sing them for myself. As I said, I see the voice as an instrument at first and even without knowing the translation I can tell whether it sounds good to me or not. As translations are mostly vague I really don't let them influence my opinion.
  19. Seiji

    Got a ps3, feel free to add me : YuuZero
  20. Seiji

    I'm searching for 9gbo lyrics for Draw, especially for Lilith - does anyone have them?
  21. Seiji

    Fuck yes! Gotta get my hands on this somehow!
  22. Seiji

  23. Seiji

    1. Dark Tranquillity - 45 2. Plastic Tree - 30 3. Guniw Tools -20 4. Galneryus - 17 4. SHILFEE AND TULIPCOROBOCKLES - 17 4. 8-eit - 17 7. Letzte Instanz - 16 8. HIM - 14 8. SIAM SHADE - 14 10. Velvet Eden - 12
  24. Seiji

  25. Seiji

    OCQ - 喜びはヨチヨチ歩きの不幸
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