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Everything posted by Seiji

  1. yay, Antikythera, REMNANT, The Vio and Calmando Qual on one cd! Need this!
  2. Seiji

    ^have seen the same comments - they seem to give credits to the original composers But what's with steel leaf?
  3. thank you I hate it when there are parts which aren't sung on my covers, so I usually just record them too - worst case scenario would be what happened on the lacroix despheres cover :x Maybe I'll find someone for a duet cover of that song someday xD
  4. Seiji

    Yeah, me! probably me too.
  5. Aww thank you - the PoM one is the first one where I tried also covering that instrumental stuff - I think it was pretty easy with that song as it's easy to see through and has got many repetitions. I'm glad that there are still people left paying attention to it and actually giving feedback - nearly lost all hope lol Looking forward to your feedback on the other songs (and try to ignore the soprano voice on symphonia )
  6. Seiji

    oh no, one ok rock getting that song? :\ btw: [TBA] in this case to be announced or a band with that name? xD not to sure about stuff like that when it comes to japanese bands
  7. expecting at least some flaming for the soprano vocals ... C0KgvPPOK2c
  8. 2 more covers done: Kamelot - Abandoned r-t_GX4OROA Duet with Ivora's vocalist Laks: VH3bGCwj9j8 Feedback is highly appreciated - as always...
  9. Seiji

    Only watching Another atm - pretty awesome stuff :0
  10. Just finished my first full cover of a song (with instrumental n stuff) Feedback is highly appreciated, even if I'm not sure if there are even people left watching this thread. 9eGWqin1fL0
  11. Too bad there's no feedback on 8-eit ... Anyways: new cover online! some really sick stuff (with video - woohoo) Here it is: j1NMLPrra28
  12. Seiji

    I learned that a friend of mine's running a sexcam ..... that was weird ....
  13. Seiji

    According to himself they are going to continue with same speed with Seremedy, and the vocalist is releasing his own clothes brand apparently I can confirm that. They're doing many different things at the moment - actually with much success! Gotta respect them for that.
  14. Seiji

    Wow! 10 years already - Time really flies
  15. Seiji

    ^aww that picture's kinda really cute
  16. Seiji

    ^normally I'm taking pictures of the other side of my face - I think that that's a big difference with my asymmetrical face xD
  17. Seiji

    Something recent of me:
  18. Found a guitarist =) Just need a drummer now... Btw: I've recorded a new vocal cover! This time 8-eit KKyCmmOSbfE
  19. I think I'd go with D - Snow White as it is beautiful and so am I... ... ...
  20. Seiji

    Already thought about pointing that out, too. I by myself have got a very low but light voice and have tried searching for really low voiced artists many times, but most of the times I just got deep-voiced recommendations ... oh and @dokudead: Tatsurou actually has got a kind of low voice - Asagi and Gackt are much higher I think that most low-voiced vocalists in Japanese music are to find in Angura bands, but I'm not too sure about it.
  21. Seiji

    Looking forward to Yuhma starting a band without wierd effects on his vocals - they were awesome live when he sang without those effects.
  22. Seiji

    OCQ - ぽやぽや煙い人
  23. So i've set up that new project thingy called Magnify†Sense. This is the first song (guitar pro for guitars, other stuff for other instruments) V2UlbWk8PSY actually the record is pretty old, but haven't got the right conditions for rerecording in my new flat :\
  24. Seiji

    still kind of disappointed in that ... sounds too generic :\ they should have searched for another vocalist
  25. Seiji

    Finally erina doesn't look like an ugly bitch anymore!
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