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Everything posted by Seiji

  1. new cover online! GJis0Ihvwqs
  2. Seiji

    Ah I've finally managed to stop laughing at the screams. Can agree with the posts above me~ The riffing was nice, drums were annoying (I think it wasn't only the clicking bass drum, but also the rest being slightly too loud) and the chorus was just meh...
  3. Seiji

    I know that I'd fuck this up, but I prefer 320kbps only for the reason that it sounds MUCH better when filtering out the middle track for doing vocal covers etc
  4. Seiji

    I'm looking for similar music to Guniw Tools' Niwlun album. I love this magic and dreamy atmosphere of those not-so-electro songs like 傘????事??歓?? or 頭上??石 So do you know anything similar?
  5. Seiji

    Oh, the full version is better than I expected, but for some reasons those fast solos don't get to me anymore. After Philia was afraid that Kamijo's voice is dead now (baaad vibrato etc), but in this sons his voice is more powerful than ever! Looking forward to the album now
  6. Dada shared the new version of Street of Alice. Not sure where to post it, but you can find the original link here
  7. he's talking about "my VELVET EDEN" so I'd assume he'll really work with KALM again as it was, as far as I know, his favorite time of VE
  8. Seiji

    nooo -.- that sucks..
  9. Seiji

    Yeah they are I hope the grammar and stuff will become better though - can't really understand what's said in the chorus of "Alle Nichts"^^
  10. Seiji

    oh my god, just how awesome is this?
  11. Seiji

    seen that too xD But tbh I'm not sure what's worse - people who behave like 14year olds or people who overreact about those I, for myself, really don't care, but what can I say, I mean look at me
  12. Seiji

    Just started playing All Points Bulletin~
  13. Seiji

    anyone else hearing girugämesh - shadan in howling?
  14. Seiji

    Not sure, but I think singing in japanese in an ultra cool VeeKay band counts
  15. Seiji

    Lol did he make yet another promoter turn against him? This time it was really the promoter's fault I think D:
  16. Seiji

    The concert in munich got cancelled to reasons which will be revealed later I think... All I've found yet was this entry @ Kiwamu facebook: "about shit person in Germany, I will write all truth soon!! It is very stupid situation!! Everyone should know the real thing!!" E: There seem to be problems with the promoter Source
  17. Seiji

    oh no, please don't -.-
  18. Seiji

    Kiwamu really knows what promotion is all about... http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10150239354665712&set=a.473009350711.257124.706665711&type=1&theater
  19. Seiji

    this. :<
  20. Seiji

    OH MY GOD! ...I think I need to change clothes now.
  21. Seiji

    I'm still not able to write a proper review excluding phrases like "OHMAGAWDITSOAWZUMMMM!!!1!1 SHAURAAAAA <3", but I'll to one as soon as I returned to being "normal"
  22. Seiji

    oh I thought this was about XodiacK
  23. Kind of a letdown after that ロリィタSaki - Lapis☆lazuli~星空??カケラ thing xD Actually I can imagine that there are people who could enjoy that song - I mean it's not THAT bad (...or maybe I'm still too "flashed" of the one before)
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