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Everything posted by sai

  1. I bet on picked by randomness. Random article from Wikipedia?
  2. sai

    I believe it was Lockhart himself XD He was like: yeah....sorry...these things can happen...
  3. sai

    Lol people kept spamming me with the MV for this release XD
  4. sai

    The only good thing that comes from the Netherlands. Along with Delain XD
  5. sai

    I liked The Black Parade for half of it, haven't listened to this one though..
  6. sai

    Lol, I think I really lol'd at that part. Lol. Same here, the Harry's expressions was priceless xD It was like: Where the eff did my bones go D:
  7. sai

    I hope the album isn't as bad as the title XDD But it'll probably be good.
  8. sai

    Looks like the Major Section got quite a bit smaller XD
  9. sai

    D - what is going on with the human the GazettE - Chizuru (slower, but a really dark feeling to it)
  10. sai

    It is... Is says so on CD Japan. Let's just hope Asagi's outfit isn't like the Akaki Hitsuji one...
  11. sai

    Lol, I think I really lol'd at that part.
  12. sai

    You see me personal but when you do I disappear like magic before you can really have a good look at me 8D I want an A for my maths test I have to make in a few hours >___<
  13. sai

    The english version of Moon Spiral failed XD
  14. sai

    Lockhart was awful XD
  15. sai

    The album's name is going to be: VAMPIRE SAGA.
  16. sai

    Wouldn't be a surprise if they were just limited...
  17. sai

    Btw, Kra's Dennoo Imagination <3 That is just pure awesome, even though the only version available is a crappy PV rip D:
  18. sai

    I like the samples, wish it would be posted though...
  19. I kinda like this preview, even though I don't really like Kaya XD
  20. sai

    Now that D released something again, I guess it's my turn to post a review again. Before I heard the full single I already heard previews, and they really raised my expectations. In the name of justice - This is D as we know them. This is when they kick ass. Asagi's voice is better than on the last single, since they cut out the moaning this time. The guitar is really nice as well. Asagi's screamo has improved as well, though it's not amazing yet. Don't have much more to say about this. 9/10 Nightly Knights - I was pretty surprised that this started so br00tal, as Jonjon put it. Judging from the preview and the intro I thought this would be a calmer song, but Asagi immediately started screaming when the guitars started playin. To be honest, I don't like it very much. Tsunehito's bass playing is nice to listen too, but Asagi's screaming kind of kills my ears. It improves when the normal vocals cut in and after that the solo. I'm addicted to the chorus, it's great and really shows Asagi's potential. Another 9/10 夜??眼??????詩人 - A calmer song. And a damn good one at that. I love the atmosphere surrounding this song, Asagi's vocals, the accoustic guitar and the traditional instruments in the background. I don't really like the ending, they could've ended this better. It sounds like Asagi quickly finished it because he had to go to the bathroom or something. Still very good. 9/10 Grand Master - This is the reason why I didn't rate the other songs 10/10. Because this one is better and I can't give a higher note. I have no idea what to say about this but "FUCK YEAH!!!!" 10/10 Rating: 9.5/10 Another awesome release by D, much better than Akaki Hitsuji. I'm looking forward to their album release next year!!
  21. sai

    Nce, can't wait!
  22. sai

    Vanilla pudding !! <3
  23. sai

    My D single has been shipped today <33 Delivery time: 1 - 4 days <33 To bad the mailmen in my country are going on strike tomorrow, anyway, that's TNT, and it's coming with FedEx.
  24. sai

    Thought this fit in here. I'm sure multiple of us have been bullied before, and even though it's 3 years ago the bullying stopped, it still rests on my shoulders. I thought maybe we could share our experienes with being bullied and help eachother, because I don't know if I'm the only one still having trouble with it. It really fucked up my social skills, that's for sure... Talk to your heart's content, and if you think this topic is stupid and that we're a bunch of losers for being bullied I would like to ask you not to reply in this topic.
  25. sai

    Boys, can I ask why you someone hurt peoples' feelings and you have no idea how you did that?
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