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Everything posted by sai

  1. THIS. Especially about the Chinese and Tokio Hotel parts =______=
  2. sai

    Still didn't have my first bf XD
  3. sai

    LOLOLOL Shutaro XD
  4. sai

    No you're not. Apart from a couple of songs, I don't find it as special. But oh well it's an overhyped band here in tw. I agree as well. It was decent and there were some exceptional tracks on it, but it's just the typical DEATHGAZE. Am I the only one who liked CHILDREN? XD
  5. sai

    Looks really pretty, to be honest.
  6. sai

    We should all go 8D
  7. sai

    Haha omg that would be so awesome XDDD
  8. sai

    Time for previews?
  9. sai

    the same for me. nice album but made me think "this sounds like a -Dix Nocturnal Infernal Opera- remake". c'mon, a couple of years have passed and they still sound exactly the same? it's not bad but i expected something more experimental/evolved. 7/10 Why does every band always have to change? In my opinion their music is good as it is^^ If they changed we'd need a new band doing this kind of music~ Exactly. I agree that bands should experiment instead of making the same things over and over again, but some bands just are fine the way they are. And those new bands doing these things wind up trying to imitate the old ones and failing horribly.
  10. sai

    -1 for the bad cover.
  11. sai

    PLEDGE - Just boring and way too long. Ruki sounds incredibly whiney in the chorus. It's got nothing to their other ballads, absolutely nothing. 1/10 THE TRUE MURDEROUS INTENT - Ruki needs to get his OLD girls back, these women just sound annoying. They don't annoy me that much, though. This is like a combination of Filth in the Beauty and Before I Decay. I like both of those songs but the combination of it isn't that great. I still like this track though. 8/10 VOICELESS FEAR - Another ballad? An up tempo song would've fit better in here. Oh wait it gets up tempo. Ever since they changed labels Ruki's voice seems to sound a little...different? I don't know what it is, it sounds more "clear". I find the pre-chorus to be incredibly crappy. The slow parts make me vomit, seriously. Instruments are good but Ruki screws it up. Rest is ok though. 6/10
  12. Wasn't he in Kagrra, before? But is he really "leaving" the band or just taking a hiatus from it? I hope he gets better though. He's the main composer for Kra? ....
  13. sai

    Hm...Wasn't impressed with their last few singles, except for the a-side for Ranbu no Melody. I hope this album will be better. Hikari was really good.
  14. sai

    Man, what is this year? So many sad happenings in the J-Rock world...
  15. sai

    Congrats! You're Kyo's Mattress now! A hundred posts to go until I'm Hyde's pimp!
  16. People at school make fun of the fact that I listen to Japanese music, but I don't really care. At least it's better than that generic crap they are listening.
  17. sai

    Halfway through it, and I've heard nice things about BLISS OUT YOURSELF, curious for it. A review will be posted later
  18. sai

    ^ Thought that would come up, and Maiku, you were right once again.
  19. sai

    Lol in the latest look the singer looks more like a guy that most Visual Kei artists out there XD
  20. sai

    I got inspired to play guitar by Ruiza and Hide-zou (D)
  21. sai

    Who were they again? No seriously, the name rings a bell.
  22. sai

    Looks like it's in the VIP section then. Since it's not up yet on the regular thing. Guess I'll have to wait till one of them is so nice to share it with the rest.
  23. sai

    Try When they come for me. It will definitely grow on you.
  24. sai

    STORY - Nothing special, it was quite boring to me, so I turned it of after 2 minutes of listening Deeper than fate - Was OK, but Miku's vocals are not really my thing. Don't like his voice, it doesn't fit this kind of music 6/10 Dirty Star - Agreed with you, nothing special 5/10 Overal: 5.5/10
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