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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    And this.XDDD
  2. sai

    Seems like fun! Too bad they didn't show many of my favourite bands (D, Abingdon boys school etc.) The stream was indeed pretty crappy and broke down every 10 minutes or so XD
  3. sai

    D'espairsRay , checking out older stuff ^^
  4. sai

    Freue Ferien! (I think that's correct..) Have fun!
  5. sai

    XDD I really feel sorry for him XD I love the "do not want" look on Yohya's face XD
  6. sai

    Reason enough to buy this if there's going to be a Europe Edition. I'm a bit short on money after Christmas XD
  7. sai

    ^ Ah I see, since Juka is with VII-Sense. Thank you, I thought Kaya was on SAS since he did that tour with Versailles and Juka.
  8. sai

    Haha, thanks so much for these! I can't seem to find them anywhere! Poor Yohya getting molested by Shuntaro XD
  9. sai

    They HAVE been touring a lot the past couple years, indeed
  10. sai

    The first 2 in the playlist Champ put up made me lol really hard.
  11. HAHA! I win! SuG 39GalaxyZ, nothing is as gay as that PV!
  12. Lol Kitsune by Zoro isn't that bad. At least the song isn't, it's pretty good. This. i1J3KP_77Vs And this: EYvmJIjInww Ugh, now I watched them again. Both *shudder*
  13. sai

    This will probably take a while since the lyrics in the booklet are upside down XD
  14. sai

    Not one? Bands/artists I know of that they used to be on that label are: - Versailles (now with Warner Music Japan) - Hizaki grace project? (hiatus) - Matenrou Opera (now with King Records) - Juka (hiatus) - Kaya (did he change labels?) - VII-Sense? Aren't Kaya and VII-Sense still on that label? Or is VII-Sense signed to Undercode? If so I would find that to be really strange, with Juka's past on that label
  15. sai

    I really enjoyed Girugamesh' CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY, Alice Nine's Untitled Vandalism and the GazettE's RCE DVD
  16. sai

    ^ Could you explain why? As far as I know they are just on hiatus due to Hizumi's throat issues. Same is with Vidoll. Jui's throat problems didn't withhold them from releasing a best of.
  17. sai

    I think that Regular Editions are sold out faster then the limited ones. Mostly because the regular editions are cheaper. The only difference between them is usually a DVD with a PV, and lots of people don't feel like spending 1,500 yen more just for that DVD when a HQ rip will most probably appear on the net anyway. D usually adds something to their regular editions, an extra track or something, like with VAMPIRE SAGA.
  18. sai

    ^ True, their funding is better than most indie bands, apart from the ones that are on the PSC label. Speed-disk isn't that bad either. *this played in my head yesterday* After leaving Yuuya and Taizo will start a new band together called ZoRo and their first full album will be called "Cosmo -Stainless Music- 2nd Season
  19. sai

    /tolazytoeditpost You can say that again. Just wait till the LE is sold out. What kind of measure is that anyway? Do they think the LE won't sell on its own?
  20. sai

    Didn't they already release a Best Of in 2008 due to their 10-year anniversary?
  21. sai

    ^ My point exactly.
  22. sai

    November till May? That's about 6,5 months since their release. That should be time enough to record a mini in my opinion.
  23. sai

    Damn..they were my two fav. members as well..
  24. Too bad they didn't broadcast the episode with James in bikini D:
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