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Everything posted by minre

  1. brother <3- I thought they were gone as well, then again, I never thought of them to be a 'real' band. can't wait.
  2. the name still feels awkward. and if their sound changes, is also a curious thing... but december is a good month .
  3. minre

    pricey, but two hurt extended? interested... though it's probably just a longer solo.
  4. minre

    though the tracks aren't all that memorable... I loved it. it's been a while since I've listened to the other albums... 8/10 since there were like 2-3 iffy tracks.
  5. minre

    sounds promising, as long as they keep all the distractions that plagued some of their more promising songs away from it... [the lame shouting]
  6. and they still continue to blatantly ignore my favorite songs from ruri iro...
  7. minre

    ...equal strength...? that made me laugh xD.... still, it makes one wonder after having their last release called DEPARTURE... ...anyways, at least they admit they need to try harder.
  8. minre

    destiny has already been done, as has glowing butterfly though it did hold the most promise, and libido was just awkward.
  9. minre

    ...this was inevitable? I'm still hoping that UC will make a comeback someday, unless of course the good bands are staying away from kisaki, haha.
  10. Interesting name, though I have no idea what it means. King of lame logo, but whatever. Can't wait.
  11. minre

    12songs...? that's pretty awful to be honest. and they're missing some important songs...
  12. minre

    *shrugs* my only real complaint is the fact there was only one *heavy* song [Lion], and it was awful... but that complaint has dated back since after Shion... [they can't seem to write any *heavy* songs anymore] and we got left with all this whimsical and eletronical output. that and I do really in fact consider that to be in their bottom 3 releases, but as you said, at least the songs were listenable [to an extent]. either way, hope is not abandoned... it's just waiting to be noticed by them, hah. [and if this were a 'break' to prepare for an onslaught, then I'll change my tune on this ].
  13. minre

    the scream wasn't too bad, but I was already turned off when I heard him start singing, WTH's wrong with that recording? that just was too distracting to even pay attention to anything else...
  14. minre

    I already know that Nega were never that good, but how exactly did they actually get WORSE!? Kind of the same feeling I got when Renny Amy/D&L became BORN... augh.
  15. minre

    I honestly have to admit that this is possibly my second/third least favorite of their albums... right after Zekuu. [yes, kill me] 5/10...
  16. minre

    ^I don't like the eagles, so I wouldn't know. though it does appear so, hah. oh well, I suppose you could say the best song was something they had to steal? hah.
  17. minre

    you mean that yoshiki x hello kitty collab? I'd want one . oh well. either way I'm kind of sad that I won't be able to go since I won't be back in the US for a while... augh. not that it matters much...
  18. minre

    sanbika was THE song on kyuutai x_x.
  19. minre

    for some reason it felt more suitable for a b-side rather than a filler.... I honestly don't know what to think, either way only 2 more days...
  20. minre

    retro indeed. though that doesn't mean that I can't absolutely hate it. and I'm hoping LEAD is good, but FILMSY sucked... so I don't have much hope for this lead song.
  21. minre

    ...cry more, I only like the pre-chorus, everything irritated me. ...burst zero, simply sucked. little prayer was surprising, nothing special, but not bad at all. ...no rating.
  22. so they've come full circle. curious if janne da arc or not in the end.
  23. minre

    they'er good like half the time, the other half the vocalist sucks miserably. curious of course.
  24. minre

    I liked that one single of his, curious about this.
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