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Everything posted by minre

  1. minre

    I just want a MASK reunion... because no one can replace JIN...! Unless Yukari is tolerable?
  2. called it. and so I will die. or something.
  3. minre

    Just because these songs don't remind you of the same songs, doesn't qualify a wrong comment on my part.Hesitation is all about the english like circle of swindler and Mob 136 Bars, but since they've already done that, this does nothing. Albeit it is slightly better, they're still in the same vein, doesn't help much to separate itself. And it's all about the intro in terms of shiver. These resemblances are what bothers me most. Though to be honest, I WISH it was more like NIL, but that's not going to happen. [and for your information, I HATED DIM. save for distress, NAKIGAHARA, and dim scene][sR also sucked, but seriously] -end, I've said what I've thought and that's that.
  4. minre

    shiver - regret was superior. [shiver though I like it parts, simply irritates me for some reason] hesitating means death - it had its highlights, I preferred the stacked rubbish counterparts. [and mention of nameless liberty ftw][though the song also irritates me...] ?? - best song. it's been a while since I CARED for a b-side by them.
  5. minre

    supposedly he EXCEEDED his budget for this... then again, you'd have to wonder if he really re-shot those 2 pvs [and why isn't rain drop on the album...while awake is if they're both redone?], or if they were simply painted over with the 'new' audio. still, this is what you call something that acts like an album except doesn't have any fillers...? [then again it was going to be a mini either ways, so how different can the song actually get... hopefully he rewrote everything! lyrics and everything. but it's an impossible task on satsuki's end...and his site tends to die every time there's news, at least when I try to check up on] also, upper region still sucks as a title. SERIOUSLY.
  6. minre

    I'll just be stupid and say - any indie band that can't afford to record [or are AWFUL recording] and/or release anything in store <.<... that probably applies to most of the bands that I don't know, hah.
  7. minre

    the details on the site mention something more, but since I fail at understanding japanese, someone else can translate. ?????????? Angelic??????????????? 3?????AWAKE? ?CRYSTAL??MOON SPIRAL??Veil of MARIA??UPPER REGION????????????????????????????????????6?????????? ???UPPER REGION????????????????????????????????????????????4?????DVD??2????? ????????????1???????????????????????????
  8. minre

    deluhi / skapegoat. it touched me for some reason.
  9. minre

    how many of those bands disbanding year after year involve the SAME members, haha.
  10. minre

    with the rest seemingly going on forever...
  11. minre

    pfft they were good for what they were. but they kind of slipped out of relevance a year back.
  12. minre

    disappointed, this isn't one of the OTHER karasu . and this karasu's first song sucked, to be honest, so pass.
  13. minre

    I think I'm going to transfer to a college from wherever you're at if a 50% is a passing grade Aren't some european education systems like that? The whole 75% [and letter grades in general] being average doesn't really make much sense if you think about it. How did it become a standard? There are those that prefer 50% being average, but I just can't get into it though I try! [and many people are actually going to the 3s and the likes these days, so the whole range has expanded, making things even more complicated...if you try to compare]Rambling on nonsense. The system I like most is 'I will listen again', or 'pass'. An in-between makes no sense.
  14. minre

    ...as expected, everyone's still giving them mixed signals. And fyi you can't blame Juri for the english lyrics as Leda writes EVERYTHING.
  15. minre

    On my first listening I automatically had my listening points to each song. The intro to ARROWS, the last minute of False Valentine, and ... I don't remember the last one. I also hated the choruses, but for some reason I recall them being acceptable on my second listen. Suffice to say, they are at least returning to the Sel'm that I know, albeit a different sound... Still, I would love for another Brilliant Force. 7-8/10.
  16. minre

    please return into existence your first three and most beloved releases. its frightening nonexistence on your site is disheartening since so long... yea... can't wait! hopefully they've learned from VERSUS.
  17. minre

    Honestly, I'm hoping that the pv version has some much needed transitions for the 'weak' parts [as mentioned there are about 2 poor transitions, which ruins it a bit]... because I still prefer the added piano interlude in the middle of the pv version of skapegoat. *edit* pv remains unchanged, drat.
  18. minre

    Compared to Frontier, this has less frustrating parts. The thing that prevents me from loving Frontier was the japanese part of the chorus. In this song, I think the second verse lowers my liking for it. But this has more highlights for me than the other...and despite that mood breaker, I like this quite a bit. I wonder how the campaign will end :]. 8.5/10
  19. minre

    same as spike :]
  20. minre

    I still remember when I got to shake kamijo's hand in that autograph session 2-3 years? ago. When they were with Matenrou Opera. That was definitely an ANGELIC moment. o_o. Either way. Noble is the only release I refuse to ever listen to. [All the good songs of that album was released earlier as a tease ].^^
  21. minre

    My simple like would develop into a LOVE if they removed the unnecessary parts that sound suited for live-only ==. augh. [the unnecessary SHOUTING]
  22. hmm the first one was decent, I didn't like it so much. hopefully there's improvement .
  23. minre

    I might be in LA then... so who knows?
  24. minre

    I'm a sucker for some random vk jazz. Besides that, I still can't stand them, even though I loved most of the members from previous bands. Too bad.
  25. minre

    augh. I still have no idea what to think. born to be free is AWFUL. also, was it ever confirmed that this would feature 'english' versions of their popular songs :/? and of course, we have to start taking bets to how many shows until yoshiki needs to take another break! [half kidding >_<]
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