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Everything posted by minre

  1. minre

    ^tell Leda to stop dreaming so big! *for anyone that still doesn't know, he writes the lyrics as well* ... ... I'm REALLY curious what their next release will be. If it were to be an album that included these three songs, then whoever bought any of the three singles seriously wasted money! ...
  2. minre

    They probably could have saved money if they had done one single in fact they probably wouldn't have needed THREE pvs + THREE costume sets for them... either way F.T.O does suck worse than departure, not that I'd listen to EITHER again. with them you really can do an actual 'worst of' and 'best of'.
  3. I wish these guys would join fb >_<, still interesting.
  4. minre

    ...you can always think how'd you feel if it were on the release with the other two, instead of this campaign nonsense, it'd be more tolerable, perhaps. either way, I liked remember the rain, albeit it was a bit boring, I won't ignore its existence like I will this song. it really should have been one single or at least not so sloppily put together, the three songs.
  5. minre

    this sounds like a remix they'd do for another song. so simply, awful AND unnecessary. and what's up with that second right before the chorus starts, that is probably the low point of the song. [along with the 'woah, woah', but since this is... augh, I give up.] one of their worst songs ever.
  6. minre

    what happened to the second myth album...?
  7. minre

    woo, should be brilliant.
  8. an unbearable fact = an inconvenient ideal.
  9. minre

    I think deathgaze has been through enough... either way, I doubt Ai would let his band die, since he keeps bringing them back from the point of extinction! he must be a masochist...
  10. minre

    'fake reset' . they will be back under a new name, or at least they will disband a month later... or however 'fake' one can be...?
  11. minre

    the only thing I ABHOR about the first song is how he sings 'mashou' in the first part of the chorus. my favorite song was the second track, everything else blows . [gotta love how I was the first one to hate the third track hoho.] first two = 8/10 rest = meh.
  12. minre

    so what if hide wasn't the greatest? [pata always did the difficult notes, either way] it was his image and I don't know how even sugizo can match that. at least taiji had a place in X, and he was even hide's teacher, he's more than qualified... but whether he can put up with yoshiki, again... that's another story, and I doubt it'll be more than a two night stand. either way, sugizo should stick to LUNA SEA's revival, where he belongs. that's where I like him, not part of yoshiki's downward spiral.
  13. minre

    ^they said they were planning to release it [and that -oz- wanted it to be released there]. also, remember. they're having a tour in january in europe. [at least planned]
  14. minre

    it was mentioned in that tabloid magazine Sanspo. honestly, for the longest time I've wanted him to REPLACE sugizo as the guitarist. I don't think that will happen, but I can dream, can't I? ... plus voiceless screaming, anyone? edit* I meant I wanted him to be the guitarist in place of hide, but since SUGIZO replaced him, obviously I want him to be replaced.
  15. minre

    God, this sfm. If I don't like a band's sound, I stop listening. It's simple and way better than bitching about every single release.As for the album...I'm about to listen, lol. As soon as I'm done with the new SCANDAL single. ;p obviously, it doesn't apply to those that I don't show up complaining as much.either way, it's hard to exactly know just when to give up. it's the feeling of not wanting to miss something just in case... or something? - in the end, I suppose I can say that it IS better than REDEEMER, but neither 'satisfied' me enough to care. still no collset/mirror, but at least one track mattered to me, and there were particles of light trapped inside every now and then, just waiting to come out and play. haha. oh well. - could also say that it was done out of mere boredom, which creates a more natural curiosity? *shrugs*.
  16. minre

    it's the SAME EXACT mentality about everything else. people continue to download merry, dali, etc. hoping for former glory and always end up disappointed. also, there is no excuse having been prepared after their singles... *edit* and actually I refused to listen to the samples . it was just blind hope.
  17. minre

    I only liked Human-clad Monster...the rest {usually] either go nowhere, or are ruined by hizumi's vocals. Oh, I did almost like Falling...then the chorus came in. Though it was to be expected; I fall into the group that hasn't liked anything since MIRROR. BELOW AVERAGE
  18. minre

    woo, this month keeps getting worse! what's next?
  19. minre

    I suppose the main argument is the fact they're on FIREWALL division, which Dir happens to occupy. Of course, there have been complaints the past 3 albums or so, so it does not really matter what people say about them or not these days. It's all redundant.
  20. minre

    sounds good. monochrome was surprisingly interesting, still waiting for cry against [which sounded like the better of the two songs, sample wise vs full].
  21. minre

    I kind of liked kazari. they disbanded in 2007, were only around for a year... but this was pretty awful...well, the vocalist at least, the music I kind of liked, a little... kazari = ex. band of ap?il vocals http://www.vkdb.jp/%A5%AB%A5%B6%A5%EA.html
  22. minre

    definitely. unfortunately, I could never find all their stuff online :/.I think I found them through a song they did for a drama I can't recall.
  23. minre

    ...they really do problems staying together for a period of time.
  24. minre

  25. minre

    I thought the same thing, but no need to be disappointed.
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